YOUR dog is NOT our responsibility....
BM asked SO's mom if SO and SDs would go let her dog out because she and her bf are going to be getting home late one evening this week ... she asked his MOM!! Not him! UGH! If SO didn't have to drive the 1/2 hour to her general area to take SDs to play practice, we wouldn't even be in that neck of the woods ... and what if there was no play practice this week, then what would she do?!
I asked him last night if he was going to do it (SDs are at Gma's right now) and he said, "Well I have to go get them from my mom's anyway and Bm just said to drop them off at her house for a few hours so they can play with the dog and let him out." To which I responded, "So what are you supposed to do in that few hours they are at their mom's? Stay with them? Not stay with them and leave your children alone? I don't think you should do it."
I would never in a million years ask BM to come let our dog out. I don't care if she was going to be next door visiting my neighbors. If I know I am going to be gone, I make accomodations for my animal. I am going with him when he picks up SDs and takes them to play practice ... I will surely say something if he goes to BM's and he won't like it...
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I agree with you 110%....they
I agree with you 110%....they are no longer together and unless it has to do with the skids....IT ISNT HIS/YOUR PROBLEM!!!! PERIOD!!!
Thank you, Tasha! He doesn't
Thank you, Tasha! He doesn't see my view on this and thinks it's no big deal! If she and her bf know they are not going to be home, then they need to be the ones to deal with who's going to let their dog out ... I don't care either way if we are going to be near her home or not! I am NOT going there ... and I will be going with him to run errands and take the girls to play practice that day ... maybe I should just offer to drive and then when he brings it up I can say, "Oh well I drove and I refuse to go to her home to do her a flipping favor." So many times all she's done is give him grief on anything he's asked her to do regarding the girls if we're going to be gone ... and this isn't even regarding the girls!
He just got off the phone with her as we have a critter situation in our home and don't want the girls here so they are trying to coordinate her taking them for a few days until it's straightened out. He got off the phone and told me the whole plan for tomorrow ... so he's running errands, picking up the girls from Gma's, taking them to BM's while he runs some more errands, picking them up, taking them to practice, then taking them back to BM's after practice as she said she's keep them tomorrow night ... now what gets me is all of a sudden she's ok with the girls being home alone so the dog is taken care of ... but other times he's mentioned getting them late or on a different day she points out they'd be home alone.
I told him I do not mean to sound like a bitch, but I'm not cool with him doing that for her ... his reply was "Well they're going to stay the night at their mom's anyway so it's not a big deal." I said, "What if there were no practice, no reason for us to be over there, no critter situation here, then what would she do about her dog?" (Yes, it's hypothetical, but she's still taking advantage of him and that's what pisses me off) And again he said it's not a big deal. So I said "I guess what we see as big deals are different then."