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things that are pissing me off!

buterfly_2011's picture

I would like to tell him the following things!
My family is just as important as yours!
I know for a fact if your son was playing basketball and my family invited us over WE would be at YOUR childs game NOT with my mother father and siblings! Today is the last time I will ever do this for you again! My child is equally important!
I will NO longer step aside so your family can take over OUR weekends or holidays! YOUR kids haven't even met my parents and its been over a YEAR!
I will no longer go with whatever SD16 decides the 8 of us will do. My kids and I will do what it is we want! Because guess what? I don't let my child run my entire life!
I will no longer give till I'm in tears to make SD16 happy.
I will no longer aknowledge her or her tantrums.
I will no longer take any part of ANY family functions thas include YOUR ex wife and HER family! You are on your own! I don't give a shit how angry it makes SD16.
I will no longer tolerate any behavior that disrespects my daughter! I will not tolerate SD16 bad mouthing my daughter WHO is working full time! Who is living out on her own! Who has taken on a child and making a wonderful life for herself!
I will NO longer allow *(16 to parade in a towel in front of your boys or my son!
I will no longer allow anybody meaning YOU or your ex or SD16 to make me feel as though I am not a caring loving giving person!
I will no longer play games and lie about being engaged!
I will leave your ass and you can walk right out my door and back into your mama's IF you continue this game.
I wish I could say all these things. I wish you could see how badly you are hurting me. And NO God does not think I'm selfish for feeling this way!


jenlou's picture

Hi! I know I am new here posting, but please, please I have to tell you that unless you and your husband get some type of counselling, it will never change. I don't know how long you have been together but I have been in mine for 12 year and it has not changed at all..My husband actually moved us right down the street from his ex-wife so he could see his kids more (I understand that but I had to deal with the insane ex-wife). It does not get better, I wish that I could say it would and maybe someone here has had a better ending than me and can give you more positive feedback. But I say get some counselling, you sound just like me with my husbands daughter many years I am dealing with his son.

Aeron's picture

I Would tell him - there is Nothing wrong or mean in what you just posted - you Ought to tell him. And if you don't want to tell him, follow through and do it all anyway!!

Bubbly1's picture

I say if you can't "say" those things, write them all down in a letter. Then hand it to him. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the things you've said here!!