Your stories re SKids turning into adults
I'm curious as to other's stories of skids turning 18 and the progression that happened. My SS15 lives with us all the time and zero interest in anything outside of sports. Even with sports he only cares about the sport during practice and games/events. Otherwise, his entire life is wake up, play video games, play on phone, play video games, maybe take a shower where he uses every ounce of hot water, video games and phone until the wee hours of the morning when the birds start chirping.
I tried for years to teach financial responsibility, driving techniques, cooking, you name it and I was always met with backlash. At first it was SO that instead of letting me teach the SS he would try to make it about him (SO) to get attention (because he lacked having attention and affection from his parents growing up) or make jokes to the point that I would lose concentration and get frustrated. So I had to completely disengage from everything. Now I do not have any conversations with SS, not a single word because when I did I started to get the response of the teenager head tilt, one shoulder shrug and the heh kind of laugh annoying noise instead of an actual yes or no answer. I used to be the SP that made sure he had everything he needed to suceed but when SS and SO didn't give a shit about the fact I was literally killing myself to make sure they had it all, I stopped.
Now to my main points, SS will be turning 16 here soon and it won't be long before he is 18.
First how did you all handle the driving aspect? At first SS had zero interest in driving at all then he went to high school and now his friends are driving so now all of a sudden he is interested. Since I get zero communication from SS, I do not engage with him at all about driving. I was going to do the research with the book or online book or whatever it is now for him to review but then I stopped myself and remembered not to parent more than the parent.
Also, I'm curious how the transition went with others when the SS turned 18. Did they leave the home never to return (one could only dream this to be true)? Did they stay in the home but still become productive with college/work? Or was it awful and required an act of exorcism to get them to leave?
With just a few short years left I want to prepare myself for the potential outcomes and any advice on the do's and don'ts that you all have experienced.
I want SS to succeed just so that he gets out of my house but considering the backlash and the fact I wasn't able to prepare him for life (because what would us SPs know especially when we don't have kids of our own, lol) I'm worried that this dum dum isn't going to get his shit together.
- BranchedBlackSheep's blog
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SS friends are driving
SS. knows the mechanics of getting a drivers license. What you must do is get SS into '''asleep away''' college. And out of your home. Far away where weekend trips home is too long. You must do. '''Do'' what ever is needed. Making sure he's taking the right classes in high school. Taking college test ect.
Me me me!
Oh I know the answer! Lol just kidding!
ss started to learn driving when he was 16, took him a year and didn't get enough driving hours, nor can he drive at night yet. The permit expired, and he's gonna be 18 in a few months. He has to start everything again. He can somewhat drive, he improved a bit, but still have hard time turning, controlling speed, and stay in lanes.
I personally feel this is a relief that he doesn't drive yet. The last thing I want is to be responsible for the accidents he might cause.
it's most likely ss will go to community college. I hope he starts getting a job soon. I tried a whole summer helping him with his resume (he thought that's something you can buy from Amazon lol), and I gave up at the end. Not gonna lie though, at least that resume is somewhere more reasonable than the first draft he wrote.
I don't really feel this kid is ready to be an adult, but I know he's looking forward to telling us we don't get to tell him what to do when he turns 18 lol. He will also need to manage his own medication once he turns 18, and that's gonna be a fun one.....
Yes I'm worried about the
Yes I'm worried about the potential accident SS may get in because he doesn't have any type of concept with driving. I'm also waiting for the I'm 18 you can't tell me what to do speech. I'm ready in response with oh ok so I can stop paying for everything for you right? I wish things would have been different but when you try and get the smart ass teenager attitude then why try. Having a job is going to be quite the reality check with SS especially with his preference of having $350 shoes because they have a fancy name. Eye roll on that one, SO buys those. I don't even spend that kind of money on myself let alone for a pair of shoes. We have a couple of colleges near our home but I'd love for SS to go far away or out of state just so I don't have to deal with him.
I totally understand! I want
I totally understand! I want ss to go far away too but then I also worry that he's gonna burn the school down or something like that.
I also understand that the bio parents want to treat the kid nice things, it just feels weird when everything is taken for granted. It bothers me so much.
Once they turn 18 do they still have to do the permitting stuff?
In TX once they are 18 they do not have to do any class work get the letter from the school, etc..... They take the written then take the driving test. Of course if have not done much actual driving, it is unlikely that they will pass the practical portion of licensing testing.
I did not get my license until I was 18. I had been driving for 12 years by then. First on motorcycles. I got my first motorcycle when I was 6. Then when I was bout 12 I would drive tractors on my GP's farms. Both sets had retirement farms that they played with after they retired. I brush hogged their property, plowed, and pretty much just used the tractor as my toy in the summers. When I was 14 dad would take me out in the desert to drive for hours in the 4X$ mom and dad always had overseas. By the time I actually got my license, I had been operating some form of vehicle for many years.
My DW did not get hers until she was 19.
SS did not get his license until he was 18. He was just not interested and made no effort until we left him and his brand new car 200Miles from home and told him we would see him when he could figure out how to get he and his car home legally and safely. We handed him a prepaid receipt for driving school which was all classroom. My dad put him through the USMC grandpa driving bootcamp for two months. When SS finally tested, he passed with no problem.
About 2mos after we drove off leaving him at my parents, he pulled into our driveway. He was irritated, but.... "If ya don't want to grow up and do the work when your supposed to do it, you get to do it when someone tells you will do it." About 2mos after he got home we dropped him off to report for basic training. Nearly 14 years later, he is only 6 years from full military retirement. He sold the car we bought him before he reported for active duty not quite two years ago and bought a new car. Entirely on his own.
One way or the other, the grow up. Whether they like it or not.
With the one you are dealing with, I would be crystal clear that he will do what he is told to do until he moves out and is entirely self supporting. Until then, he can gnash his teeth and whine all he wants but, he will do what he is told when is is told to do it. You pay, he listens. Period, Dot.
IMHO of course.
I taught my SO's son, now 21,
I taught my SO's son, now 21, to drive, and encouraged SO to get him his license and a car. Independence leads to fewer giving rides, BM not required to come to the house (though that backfired, this b will show up randomly to drop off fruit), and he can have a job. SS21 is still living with SO, though. He's not much trouble.
SS15 is still getting picked up by his Mommy from SO's house 10-15 times a month. SS21 being able to drive was supposed to get rid of that, and it did for a few years until SS21 got tired of "managing" his mom. Meaning this b won't keep a schedule. It took no less than 3 texts and 2 phone calls to coordinate each ride, and SS21 understandably got tired of it. Now the b picks up SS15 any time from 3-9.
Idk who is going to teach SS15 to drive. I disengaged because of the backlash from BM and due to some of SS15's behaviors when younger, though he has grown into a pretty good kid, too.
I guess the moral of this tale is that you can't care more than the parents do, and you can't sub for a substandard BM if there is joint custody and frequent exchanges. What you see in your DH is what you get, and what he values will get done.
ETa I didn't teach SS21 to drive for "selfish" reasons. At the time, i was fully filling the "mom" role, and i was also teaching my youngest to drive. I taught them together and enjoyed it. But the BM breezed back into his life after he turned 18 and was no more trouble after getting paid for him as if he were staying with her, and he has distanced himself from me. Whatevs.
How can teaching a kid to
How can teaching a kid to drive be considered "selfish" at all? I applaud to your efforts taking that one on! I don't bother to try to teach my ss driving since I don't feel he respects me and constantly makes me feel what I say don't matter.
Well, you i don't
Well, you i don't have to drive him everywhere and his BM doesn't have to come to the house to pick him up. But back then, it was no trouble. SS21 hasn't spent a night at his BM's house in 8 years. At that time, BM2 was taking the younger SS but not the older one. I got varying reasons why. When SO would work week-on/week-off nights, I was mom to SS from about ages 15-18. He would stay at my house overnight instead of BM2's. I took him to doctor's appointments and such. He was and still is respectful and listens. If that weren't the case I couldn't have done it. You can't take care of a kid who's not yours if they don't listen or respect you, that's for sure.
My 3 now-adult SKs
My SKs are SD63, OSS61 and YSS57. They all moved in full time at 15, 14 and 9 after 4 years of every weekend and all summer..
SD63 graduated after runaways, truancy and plenty of drama. I enrolled her in beauty school right after graduation, she would have preferred a summer off. She worked for a year or so then moved in with her bf, later DH#1, (one of the happiest days of my life) then married and had a baby. After a couple years, she split with DH#1 and moved back in here with the baby. Soon she had a new bf, later DH#2. They married and she had 2 more children. Things were fairly quiet until they split, then reconciled and split for good 15 years ago due to her lying and infidelity. We've had to help her since then, see my blogs for the ugly details. She is why I'm on this site.
I always got along with OSS61. But, he and DH have always had a contentious relationship, I never understood why. As a junior, he transferred to a tech high school and graduated. Then, he went to work at the factory where DH was plant superintendent and moved out to live with a friend. He moved from place to place and had several gfs over the years. We gave him downpayment $ for a house where he lived awhile. At about 35, he was an alcoholic, basically homeless, unemployed and depressed He moved back here with a pickup and some Hefty bags and lived in our basement. DH was on his case daily to get a job which he eventually did. He started to live more normally and moved out. One day, he came walking in with a woman and announced they'd just been married. It was a fiery relationship featuring many fights and only lasted a year or so. He was living with a friend and we didn't see him for awhile.. He met a wonderful woman and they've been married for 15 or so years. He is my rock. Now that DH has cancer and dementia, care of the whole house is on me and he's who I depend on.
YSS57 is DH's fave. I think now that YSS felt a loyalty bond to BM that kept me at arm's length. Like you, I disengaged when DH didn't back me up about YSS. He was a charming, popular athlete. He managed to graduate from high school and was recruited to a college for his athleticism but he only lasted 4 months before he was back. He lived here a few years, I wasn't paying a lot of attention. He moved to Hawaii for a job and lived there a few years. When he moved back, he seemed more mature and got a job as a car salesman. When he sold his first one, we took him out for dinner and I remember thinking, ' Well, at least he sold one". Soon, he was top salesman, he's a natural. He met his wife who worked at a nearby dealership and they moved to the city where her family member owned a dealership. They had 3 kids and he moved up the ladder becoming very financially successful. He decided to go out on his own but was unsuccessful and they also divorced. He's now in a different state, again a successful salesman. He's been a good dad to his 3 kids. 6 momths ago, he called to borrow $, must have been desperate to admit it to us. He's complying with the payment plan we agreed on.
You asked about driving. They all got their licenses at 16 and DH saw that they had cars. I was all for it, independence.
I always smile when I read people counting down the days til 18. It hasn't worked out that way for us and I have 2 of my own who've moved in and out, too. Now that DH is ailing, I'm saying "no more," and OSS capped the shower downstairs. Lol.
Hey, JRI,
Hey, JRI,
I've always felt that we have a lot in common, in addition to our ages. You wrote; ...he's who I depend on..., referring to your older SS and I've been blessed with the same sort of relationship with my own SS, now 54 years old. His thoughtfulness, reliability, generosity and affection have been a mainstay in my life for 4 decades.
Fortunately, my SD and I are now friends yet she made the first year of co-habiting with my DH a hell that, without the marital counselling that he set up, would have annihilated me. Yeah, you’re no stranger to that brand of misery; fathers and their cunning, game-playing, manipulative daughters will always, IMHO, be the most serious threat to a second marriage.
All that rage, confusion, self-blame! I look back on that time and wonder how a girl of 13/14 could have wielded so much power, so much ability and intent to wound a SM who truly sought to love and support her.
After the injuries are long forgiven, the memories are never fully forgotten.
Yes, we've been through it, Granny
I read somewjete that God or karma or whoever, brings things into our lives to teach us lessons. Once we learn that lesson, it passes. So, I think the step situation taught me there are various sides to every situation. I often jumped to conclusions when the truth was more nuanced. Another thing I learned was the undying love of parents for their kids, no matter what the kids were like (DH).
I learned people can mature, like OSS did, altho I think people retain their personas as the age and just get more like themselves.
Obviously, I haven't learned whatever SD63's presence in my life teaches, Im still in that classroom. Lol.
Capped the shower! A brilliant move.
So well played JRI.
Keeps the Klingon kiduls from reinfesting the blessedly empty nest.
A most notable phase in parenting.
A most notable phase in parenting. Even more notable when SParenting. Particularly when the BP is about the coddle and the SParent is not deluded by the rose colored glasses of procreation regarding that kid.
The crash path to 18 was the phase that regularly threatened my SKids continued presence on the planet. One of us, his mom or me, were always ready to strangle him. The only thing that saved him was that when one of us was ready to turn him into fertilizer, the other was willing to give him just one more day. So, he survived.
On driving. No interest. He did not learn until he was halfway to 19yo. Only then, it was after we bought him a brand new car as a combination graduation, 18th birthday, and enlistment gift. We went to my parents for Christmas. I drove his new car up the day before he and his mom drove up. I hid it at my Uni BFFs house. On Christmas AM his big gift was a tiny box in his stocking with a car key fob in it. A couple of days later, his mom and I left with a wave and a "see you at home when you figure out how to drive and have your license. Buh-bye. Drive safely."
My dad taught him to drive. One of his Christmas gifts was driving school to teach him to pass the written test and prep him for the driving test. By the time he pulled up in our driveway 2mos later after a 250mile drive home he was a very good driver. He was pissed at us. But, so what? Mission accomplished.
Ours was really a well behaved low drama kid. Until he was getting close to finishing HS. Adulthood scared the crap out of him and he shoved his head up his own butt his Sr.yr of HS and nearly did not graduated. So, we went scorched earth on him. He was at a top 20 boarding school, doing exceptionally well, academically, athletically, militarily (it was a Military school), as a leader, in band, etc..... Then the SpermIdiot helped him hack the school firewall and he and the DipShitIot would stay up all night playing WoW to the point that SS was comatose in class failing all but one the first semester of his Sr. year. So rather than having to pay for another full year of tuition for him to graduate from that school, which he loved, we jerked his ass out of school at winter break, moved him home, and enrolled him in our local HS. We had moved to a new city a month after he started boarding school so he knew no one. He walked to school and back every day under pain of being dropped off at the homeless camp under the interstate in the big city 50miles N of where we were living. I even dropped him off there for a couple of hours to meet his new neighbors. Those dear people were amazing with him. They welcomed him, fed him, and then tag teamed chewing a new asshole about how his parents obviously loved him and wanted him to succeed so he had better pull his head out of his ass. He was bug eyed and in shock for a couple of days after that experience.
The deal was, graduate on time or on graduation day he would be dropped off at the homeless camp with a new coat, a pup-tent, a sleeping bag, and a good pair of winter boots. That kid was nothing but assholes and elbows for the last semester of his Sr. year. At the boarding school he had only needed a single specific class first semester of Sr year, and another single specific class the second semester to graduate. He failed that class his first semester. Which was why he was having to slog a half a mile through snow drifts to and from school every day, shovel our property, and work his ass off to complete 5 classes and an 18mo Sr project required to graduate in our local school. He did it. And with honors.
Of course we would not have dumped him at the homeless camp. But, he did not then need to know that.
Then we had that summer to get him to his 18th B-day. The last semester of his Sr year was so traumatic for him that he was a sullen pouting mess that summer. We gave him a bunch of money, told him that was it then put him on the plane for his final COd visitation to SpermLand. To minimize the chance he would try to stay there, his mom picked him up on his last day of visitation so that if he was not coming home he would have to tell her to her face. Something we knew he could never do.
So home he came. As a late summer boy, his B-day is ... late summer.
The day after his B-day he had to either be a full time student, working full time, or 1/2-N-1/2. Nope. No interest in working and the SpermClan had guilted him into not going to school so that their CS would end at 18 rather than continuing until he was 21 if he was a full time student in good standing with his school.
So, we made him our full time live in beck and call chore boy. His mom worked his ass off. He completed the exhaustive chore list every day, or he was on the curb when we left for work the next day. When we got home he had to finish the prior day's unfinished chores, the current day's unfinished chores, or he was on the curb the next day. And so on, and so on.....
After 4 months of unpaid labor for only room and board, he enlisted in the military on the delayed entry program.
Since he refused to take advantage of the mom and dad full ride to Uni, the car was the last thing we could do for him when he launched.
Meanwhile back at the ranch and 14 years later, he is completing his 14th year in the military and is only 6 years from full military retirement.
His mom and I are exceptionally proud of him.
Some kids need a burning platform to get them to launch. At some point, kids have to be cut lose to finish growing up on their own time and their own dime.
That, is the final duty of a parent to a no longer minor child.
IMHO of course.
Set and enforce the standards of behavior and standards of performance. Hold the transitioning to adult kid accountable. Some need far more accountability applied than others. Adapt accordingly.
IMHO of course.
It is successful because your
It is successful because your DW is on the same page as you. So nice to see bio parent and the step parent working together. And good that your ss learned fairly quickly! I bet the days to stand your ground on rules are not the most fun but it really is a must.
my ss is so stubborn and hasn't really had a taste of reality, I don't know how he's gonna be independent. So jelly and happy for you haha!
I know I won the Unicorn SParent life lottery.
After winning the parent lottery, DW and SS were my biggest win in life.
You are right that the pre launch couple of years were not fun or easy. But even at his worst, my SS was a pretty good young man.
He probably had it harder than he would have if I had not had my own challenges at figuring out after HS what i wanted to be and do when I grew up. His mom had him at 16 and had to grow up instantly when she was still a kid herself. So neither of us was particularly tolerance of him vegetating on our sofa while he gamed himself into a coma and took up space in our home. We offered him the mom and dad full meal deal full rise university experience anywhere he wanted to go. He had zero interest in that. Though part of that was the SpermClan guilting him and manipulating him to not go to University so they would not have to pay CS until he was 21. Though CS ends at the later of 18yo or HS graduation in SpermLand, if the kid goes on to higher education as a full time student in good standing with their school then the NCP is on the hook for CS until the kid's 21st B-day. Though CS stops going to the CP and goes directly to the kid for the higher education support element. We told him that all of his education costs, room, board, etc. we would cover but he had to file to have CS shifted to being paid directly to him. The guilting passing, and manipulation by the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool in large part is what drove him to forego university right out of HS.
SO, he became our live in beck and call chore boy the day after he turned 18 at the end of the summer he graduated from HS. We worked that kid's ass off all day every day. He had to have his chores fully done (a solid 5-8hrs worth) and have dinner prepped and ready to cook by the time we got home from work. When we got home, he cooked dinner for the 3 of us the did all of the clean up. 4mos of that and he enlisted in the delayed entry enlistment program for the military. 4mos after committing to delayed enlistment, we dropped him off to ship out for basic training.
In less than a month, he will have his 14th enlistment anniversary. He is 6 years from full military retirement.
His mom and I are very proud of him.
The chance that a child
The chance that a child launches when they have a lazy parent is about at level zero.
Why did the job of teaching the kid things fall to you? Why wasn't their own parent(s) interested in their child learning, growing, thriving?
I don't think it's too late to have a small..."so, what are your son's plans for after he graduates? college? military? "
You may be disengaged from the child.. but you can show interest to your SO regarding the future plans..where you can at the appropriate moment.. insert the "because obviously, he won't be living here when he is an adult".
Can’t offer much about driving,
but can share a few perspectives of young adult steppos (not mine), that I occasionally get exposed to through work. There are a couple of women in their mid twenties-early thirties, who won't stop complaining that daddy's second wife never became their mother No.2, or that she's being "mean" and lays boundaries, when BM, divorced over a decade tries to insert herself in family road trip to visit dad's father (former father in law), because, apparently, they were "close" at some point. At least one of these young women/steppos is quite abrasive, and that's in professional relationships, which she considers to be good, which makes me wonder what would they be like in relationships/environments they see as mediocre or not that great.
Both still get upset that dad has his own life and they can't "spontaneously" inflict themselves upon his not so new second family and marriage.
Both blame the second wife for influencing the father about whatever changes he's made in his life, including the ones that don't concern them: spirituality, holidays, friendship circles and, of course, healthy boundaries to protect his and his family's life.
They don't seem to have the ability to consider that perhaps dad found someone who reflected and helped foster his existing views/passions.
Both women coast through life directionless. The one in her 30s still doesn't know what she wants to do, has tried and thrown up multiple jobs, has some pipe dreams about living off a hobby farm (she's never lived outside suburbia) despite being on baby 2 now. Luckily for her, she has a SO that funds her lifestyle, and cops a lot of her dissatisfaction with everything, including him and their children. She's entirely self-focused. All her conversations are about pursuits of personal happiness.
The other one (in mid twenties) is in some woo course, living interchangeably with mother and boyfriend. While she pays her way (and her boyfriend's at times, it seems), it is from a certain occupation that appeals to men's baser instincts. She's very unhappy with it, yet won't make any changes. Money is addictive, I suppose.
Both have partners that apparently support them in their animosity towards father's wife. Or maybe they just go along and nod, but these women interpret it the way that fits in with their views.
So, based on my observations, not a lot positives to report. And from what they mentioned, I understand that their stepmothers have always at least tolerated them - no obvious arguments or falling out. One of them was already an adult when father started a new relationship, yet she was upset his new GF did not adopt her. Hmmmmpf!
These types are incapable of recognizing that self-delusion
These types are incapable of recognizing that self-delusion is self driven and will blame it on the target of opportunity that presents.
SM being the clear loser in that crap. Blaming their delusions on daddy's bride relieves them of all ownership. At least in their delusional pea sized brains.
100% correct.
And you'd think that once well into adulthood and with relationships/families of their own they'd be able to take on different perspectives, even if not completely agreeing with them, but no. These adults are perpetually stuck in some early developmental stages, where it's all about "me, me, me", not sharing toys and everyone being neatly separated into "good guys" and "bad guys". Ah, the simple (albeit clearly not pleasant) life!
With these types it never ends. Even upon the demise of the BPs.
The victim crying will be eternal for those left. Their sibs, etc..... Mommy and daddy loved her/him more than me. Whaaaaaa.
Then the manipulation of the next layer will start.
We expect this from my SIL when the time comes. She already ripped off her brothers for the things that their father, my FIL, left to them. She got caught but no on ever held her accountable. She has ripped off the entire family, except for my DW and I, for crap tons of money. Their aunt, MIL's younger sister, is financially independent and SIL has already ripped her off for high 5 figures. My DW is both MIL's and the Aunt's executrix. Unde that responsibility she is obligated to sue her sister for the return of the money SIL has ripped the Aunt off for. To minimize DW having to sue her sister she and the Aunt have ammended the Will that SIL gets what she has stolen unless that amount exceeds what her share of the inherritance would be. If she has stolen less, then she gets nothing more, if she has solen more, then DW sues her on behalf of the estate.
SIL has no clue this is coming. I hope to be present when her head explodes and she throws a head banging on the floor tantrum at the Will reading.
100% correct.
And you'd think that once well into adulthood and with relationships/families of their own they'd be able to take on different perspectives, even if not completely agreeing with them, but no. These adults are perpetually stuck in some early developmental stages, where it's all about "me, me, me", not sharing toys and everyone being neatly separated into "good guys" and "bad guys". Ah, the simple (albeit clearly not pleasant) life!