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Hanging out with BM next weekend?? I surely hope not!!

TheWife's picture

I am the coach of a little girls Poms team for our park district. My husband coaches a basketball team for the district as well. My SD is on my Poms team.

This means... dum dum dum... weekends with BM.

I'm kind of conflicted because for my SD's sake, I hope her mom comes to the first game (the 23rd).

For my sake, I hope she stays her flat ass at home.

I knew what I was getting into when SD signed up for the team, but what am I gonna say "Sorry kid, don't want your mom here so no?"

I just hate BM's phoniness. She lovessss to suck up to MY IN LAWS and just lay on the sugar, then talk to my husband like he is a POS and ask completely inappropriate questions in front of everyone. (Did you send my child support this month? I need some money for this). Ugh. I wanna sock her in the face sometimes.

Good thing is, my family will be there. They have never met her, just seen her. I am pretty sure though that once she lays sight of my mom and dad there (mom is crazy beautiful at 44. 6 feet tall ex model, with a stare that could ripen bananas) she will keep her mouth shut.

Also, she loves to try to mingle with my hubby's friends, like she is still with him.

The last time we ever had to be at a sports function where you could sit down with each other and talk was a few years ago. I hope she has matured since then.

If not, a pom pon might "accidentally" fly out of my hand and hit her in the face. Whoops!

Other Dad's picture

UGh. reminds me of my BPD ex who doesn't just talk TO you she talks loudly for the benefit of surrounding listeners.

You have my total sympathy. Hopefully she will stick to the shadows to give off her troll vibes out of sight. Then slinks off unnoticed to go hide back under her bridge. 

JRI's picture

I'm guessing she is kind of embarrassed, knows you are the one making this possible for her daughter, most likely feels guilty.  I know, I know, we used to occasionally have to put up with BM attending YSS's sports events.  All you can do is tell yourself it means a lot to the child.  Grrrr....these BMs, 

Rags's picture

My mom's parents old farm house had a boot scraper set in concrete outside of each door to the house.  It is time for this BM/XW to be introduced to the boot scraper.

She is shit, so scrape her off any time she shows up and is inappropriate or engages with people who have no interest in engaging with her.  When she brings up inappropriate topics shut her down immediately and as publicly and embarrassingly as possible. "Your mom problems are not our issue and if you need more money so badly why are you here and not at a job working to earn it?"

I can't wait to hear what your mom has to say to her.  I forecast something along the lines of "Who are you and what use do we have of you? Buh-bye."

Start pointing our an empty spot on the bleachers far from your family where she can go sit.

Don't worry about SD.  She will be busy cheering. If BM dumps her hurt fee fees onto the Skid, give the skid a hug and tell her "I am so sorry your mom was in a bad mood.  But we had fun cheering didn't we?"

Scrap the shit off of your shoe.  No one wants crap in their home or clinging to their family.