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Consequences for SD

Boymom's picture

So, my SO and his child planned on a last getaway before sschool starts. Left Wednesday night and were planning on coming home Sunday. Just to the beach where SO's mom lives. I get a text yesterday around dinnertime that they were leaving that the SD was getting sever consequences for 'treating him like that'. So, I just said OK and asked if he was OK. He said he was but SD not so much. He stopped at my place on the way home because I had the dog. They came in and she took the dog and went for a little walk. I asked him what happened. He said its her attitude. She rolls her eyes and talks back everytime she doesnt get her way (spoiled!). He snapped and told her to pack her stuff and they were leaving (kudos to him for that!). I told him last night she does that more than he sees and he asked me what I meant. I said I saw her do that alot behind his back when we were on vacation last week, but I didn't say anything because we were all together and it is HARD to get a free moment with him when she is around. He asked me to please tell him when I see this happen, so I nodded and said OK. He said she was hysterical in the car and he laid a guilt trip on her (not sure a guilt trip is the way to go, but I am no expert here). I told him he does that a lot but she continues to repeat the same behavior. He agreed. I then asked what his plans were for the weekend with her and he said she has a birthday party to go to but other than that she is in the house. I gave my opinion, which was no way, no how would she be going to that party. He said he already RSVP'd she would be there. I said "SO WHAT!" Send the gift since she was paid for but now way would I allow her to go if she were mine. If they came home for a weekend planned with his mom (her grandmom) because of this behavior, then she is being rewarded by letting her go to a fun birthday party! He seems confused and I told him it is his call, but that is throwing gas into the fire! She would be in the house the entire weekend and it is a beautiful weekend here. All her friends will be out but NO WAY would she leave.

It is hard because I know he is hurt. Her mother is such a psycho and trying to sway SD to her side. She constantly bad mouths him to her. And I talked to him about this. She is half her and half him, so this girl is going to have some of her ways, and that is the hard part. There is nothing more this BM wants that to have this child taken away from him due to pure evil vengence. He is a good dad and takes very good care of her. He is not a dead beat at all. If that would happen that girl will have no future because the BM is a waste. She is a manic depressive with bipolar and refuses treatment. MY SO agreed with me and said I know that I am up against a storm and really not sure what to do. I know he is afraid he will lose her as the years progress. BUT, I am glad he left and came home to teach her a lesson. I just pray to God he doesnt let her go to that party!


Harry's picture

You are going to be in a real bad place. SD is going to try to split you two, once SO starts to come down on DD

Boymom's picture

BM is going to be the one to try and destroy it, and she will use SD to aid in her mission! ANIMALS!