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BMnotallowed's Blog

Being a SM is not the same as being a BM

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Last night DH told me I will be a great mom because I'm a great SM. But being a mom and being a SM is not the same. I know to pack my youngest SD a thermos of lactose free milk and water bottles with her lunch. I know how to do their hair and help them with homework and I love them I really do love them. Now that I'm a full time SM I have more time to get to know them. That's great but it doesn't feel the same as being a BM.

Hope and kidness through fear and dread

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I've just been having a tough time mentally and emotionally from learning of my pregnancy. I appreciate all of your kindness on my last blog. DH got me to go talk to a therapist it was good for that hour but the fear and dread and worry just kept taking over my mind. Something happened to me yesterday that I just have to share. I went into a gas station to buy some trail mix. On the way in there was a poster of a missing teenage girl. I just started to tear up. Wondering to myself how I could bring my child into such a cruel world. This older lady touched my shoulder me.

Fear of being pregnant and giving birth

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I'm 3 weeks late. I missed a birth control appointment once and didn't even think about it when I was intimate with DH. I took a test and it read positive. I haven't told anyone yet. I took the test last night and I couldn't sleep. I've been afraid of this since I was 14. I watched my mother give birth to my brother. She was in so much pain it was horrifying. Their where complications and everyone held their breath while they wheeled her away for an emergency C-section. I know this sounds ridiculous but it freaks me out. I'm afraid of pain.

BM used my bathroom

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BM came by to get the girls to take them out for a day. When she called and asked politely DH said sure. I already don't like the fact that after just leaving her kids behind to live her life and cursing him out that he would say she can just come get the girls for a play day. But I'm not the parents so that's not my problem. My problem is that I went to wash my hands and the downstairs bathroom door was locked. I knocked and heard BM's voice " I'll be out in a minute". DH said he didn't let her in. The girls did cause she had to use the bathroom real bad.

BM gave up on her children and thinks she can come back whenever she pleases

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I haven't posted in a while because we have been going through a lot of changes in my family unit. BM drove off after an altercation during a pick-up involving her aggressively yanking her daughter's arm leaving a mark. We then found marks on my older SD's back at first she said the dog had scratched her. She later admitted it came from BM giving her a spanking for getting a bad mark from her teacher. We took both of the girls to get examined by a doctor and called C.P.S on BM. They talked to the girls and to DH and I and they went and talked to BM.

BM disappeared

BMnotallowed's picture

I had to delete my last blog. For those who didn't see it. BM came by Saturday to get the girls for an event the youngest clung to DH and kept trying to run to him. BM got out of the car and yanked her arm so hard she brused it. We also found marks on the oldest girl's back. DH asked me not to go into any details for legal and personal reasons. But what I can say is he is doing everything in his power to keep his girla safe. BM drove away Saturday morning telling him to just keep them and we haven't heard from her since. She isn't home and her car is gone. She is notg answering her phone.

BM asking us what christmas present we got the girls

BMnotallowed's picture

I smell something fishy in the air and not just because BM's legs are open. BM left DH a text message asking what we go the girls for christmas. DH sent a message back asking why. She just wants to make sure they don't get the same things. DH told her he is 100 percent sure that they won't and they haven't before so why the big deal now. She calls telling him to tell her the exact presents he got. He told her some cutesy crafting kits and dolls and such. BM is screaming and cursing. DH looks at me puzzled I just shrug. He ends that conversation. That was odd.

BM barging into my home

BMnotallowed's picture

Last night BM came to pick up the girls DH said his goodbyes and shut the door. I come in from the kitchen and we share a passionate kiss groping and the like. The next thing I know BM comes barreling into my house saying one of the girls left their jacket and notebook. DH tells her to go wait outside and he will find it and bring it to her. She ignores him and starts to walk up our staircase. I get out my phone and start to dial 911. I just wanted to scare her. We both told her we don't want any drama infront of the girls.

Calling out BMs name?

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Last night My H and I were having an amazing night. The passion was strong the heat was high it was amazing and the end of it he slides off of me brushes my face with his hand and says " BM you're so amazing". He swears on everything that he doesn not have any feelings left for BM and that is was just a slip of the tongue. She must have just been on his mind because she is awlays starting drama. It really hurt my feelings. I have been cheated on and hurt before and I don't want to go back there. I love him and I want to trust him but ive been there before.

BM trying to get dad to pay half of groceries

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I was in line at my local super market and the woman and front of me was on the phone holding up the line. Her total was 200 odd dollars she keeps waiting for someone to answer. Her BF or new husband was rubbing her from behind trying to calm her down. She was so obnoxiously loud everyone could hear her. Here is what I overheard below.
