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Lots of SMs on reality TV yesterday

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I was indulging in my guilty pleasure of reality TV yesterday. On Say Yes to the Dress there was a bride and her step-mom BOTH trying on wedding dresses. The dad/DH was there. OMG who thought that was a good idea?!?!

And then on 90 Day Fiance, one of the mail-order brides had difficulty disciplining her SD. That went over like a fart in church on Twitter as you can imagine. At one point the SM was trying to talk to her DH about him needing to discipline his daughter more. Painful.

Does anyone remember the show Kate and Allie?

blending2012's picture

It was popular during the 80s and featured two straight single mothers who decided to live together for financial purposes. Anyways, that's what my marriage feels like. We are two single parents living together. My husband is like a roommate. At this point, I'm not even sad or disappointed about it.

"My" husband is already married to someone else... his EX-wife

blending2012's picture

Anyone else feel that their "husband" is still married to his first wife/bio-whore? yesterday was our day "without the kids" but there are "urgent" calls he has to take from her regarding 4th of July plans, shoes he has to drop off at her house that one of the kids forgot, etc., etc.

I was a single mom for 5 years and it still feels very much like I am still a single mom. I can't ask him to do anything to help me because he's too busy helping wife #1.

BM and DH hosting SD's birthday party at MY HOUSE

blending2012's picture

A few weeks ago, oldest SD mentioned that she wanted to have a pool party for her birthday at the end of June (we have a pool). She said at the time that her mom would want to come b/c her mom is a lifeguard and she would want to ensure that all the kids were safe. DH pointed out that both he and I also used to be lifeguards and that everyone swimming would be just fine. Later he said no way in hell did he want BM there. I said it was a tough call, because I am also a BM and I would want to be at my kids' parties.

Even armed with proof, still no consequences

blending2012's picture

Dh has a rule, no food outside of the kitchen. Of course the youngest four kids follow this rule and if course oldest sd sneaks food into her bedroom because she's used to doing whatever the hell she wants Smile

A few months ago I pointed out to dh that she had wrappers under her bed and he said "oh those were from a long time ago, she knows better now.

All about SD

blending2012's picture

Yep. Another example if how sd is singlehandedly ruining my life... Last night we put the younger kids down and dh let oldest sd stay up until 11. At 11 he tells her lights out. Her room is next to ours. Dh and I pass right out - it was a long day in the hot sun.... 11:30 we are bolted awake by the sound of her door and then she puts her light on. Dh goes back to sleep but I go in there and ask her to please turn her light out. She looks at me like I have three heads... But says she will. She was drawing by the way.

I give up (again)

blending2012's picture

Oldest SD has always had trouble getting up for school in the morning. It's an hour long process with DH going in there every 10 minutes trying to rouse her.

Thursday morning, I hear him go in there for the sixth or so time and say to her, "since you won't get up you're going to bed a half hour early". Holy shit, I think, he's actually setting up a consequence?!?!? This is awesome!

Seriously, does this BM do ANYTHING?!?!?!

blending2012's picture

I've been with my husband for 4 years now so I really need to stop being blown away by BM's laziness at this point, but I am also a bio-mom so I know what "normal" moms do and I just can't get over this bitch.

Last night's example: it is HER night with HER kids. DH picks up my SS and brings him to soccer practice. After dropping him off with BM, he then takes oldest SD to Staples to buy supplies for a school project. Ummmmmmmmmmmm..... BM couldn't take her while DH and SS were gone for 2 hours?!?!!?

for those of you considering going to couples counselling...

blending2012's picture

save yourself the money! DH and I went a few times and the counselor suggested that meal times together were very important. As it stands now, DH feeds SD11 separately than our other 4 kids. For some reason, this little princess gets different rules not only from my 2 bios but also from her OWN TWO SIBLINGS. WTF???

Feeling despondent today

blending2012's picture

So, yesterday was my birthday. I had to work during the day, but that night DH made a lovely dinner, and bought a birthday cake. His little two and my two were so friggin' AWESOME. Just being sweet and giving me various home made gifts. But AGAIN the oldest SD age 11 was a total nightmare. She complained about the dinner, sulked off to her room after - and then DH had to drag her back out to sing Happy Birthday to me. Just picture this my friends, the younger four all smiling and singing and oldest SD just sitting in a chair, arms folded across her chest just GLARING at us all.
