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Bi polar BM and its a full moon

birdsofafeather's picture

Bi polar BM and its a full moon..........need I say more..She is a sad pathetic person who lives a life that must be filled with drama,chaos,yelling and screaming for her to feel great and powerful.She always has to be in control of everything but in reality she is in control of nothing.Sadly,the SDs are a product of their environment courtesy of BM.So upon the arrival of this months full moon BM has declared that I am reading and deleting her texts and emails to DH,not worth my time of day, he just doesn't respond to her dictating demands. Also, both girls need counseling ASAP due to the stress and problems that DH and I have caused them.Oldest SD doesn't even come here anymore because we have rules and expectations,yes we are horrible people.This happens about every six months.They see a new counselor things go well until the counselor suggests that she change some of her behaviors then Shazzzzaaaammm they are healed and don't need to see the counselor anymore.I will no longer allow her to (as another poster put) it "rent space in my brain" and I am starting to feel free to concentrate on my life and not hers.So I looked at the full moon last night and instead of being filled with dread,anxiety and anger of what is to come I smiled and thought about all the good I have in my life and all that I have to be thankful for.


Madam Hedgehog's picture

I need to think about things like you do. I have to get out of this pattern where I am constantly trying to figure out how BM will screw us over next.