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Full House!!!

Bec's picture

SD18 was living with BM / staying at her boyfriend's quite a bit. Unfortunately SD18 received a letter from her boyfriend the other day which said he didn't love her any more etc etc. SD18 has as good as moved in here now for company (BM does shifts and SD18 doesn't want to be alone).
So now we have SD16 and SD18 living with us in 66 sq m apartment. They are having to share a bed. She is not having much luck lately what with this driving ban thing and being ditched by her boyfriend and then having to share a bed with Grumpy. I feel really sorry for her about her boyfriend, it was completely unexpected. They have been an item for ages and nobody imagined this happening.
SD16's mood has improved a little but after talking to the doctor they are pretty confident she has been suffering depression for a few years. Hopefully now she can start being treated for it.
Anyway what with all this I thought I might go out and get a Nintendo Wii to try to cheer them both up.


Harleygal's picture

I was finally able to get my hands on one after months of searching. Father's Day I bought DH a Guitar Hero to go with it. We play something almost every night. In fact, we were up until almost 11:00 last night playing. It's good for your health too. I have to be careful though because I tend to get into it too much and am sore the next morning. I can tell a definite difference in my muscle tone. DH is managing to stay out of the Casino now since we bought it. I want to get the Wii Fitness and see what that is about.

Do it!!!

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac

laurels4u's picture

My DD got a Wii for Christmas, and I love it. Boxing is such a terrific stress reliever! When I get annoyed, I head to her room and load it up and pretend I'm boxing the person who has caused me grief.

Love your picture, too!

Harleygal's picture

I love it too! DH and I box each other. Sometimes I like to pretend it's really him. Legal spousal abuse you know!!!

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac