Bec's Blog
Full House!!!
SD18 was living with BM / staying at her boyfriend's quite a bit. Unfortunately SD18 received a letter from her boyfriend the other day which said he didn't love her any more etc etc. SD18 has as good as moved in here now for company (BM does shifts and SD18 doesn't want to be alone).
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...the mood continues...
SD16 is showing no sign of snapping out of this awful mood which has gone over two weeks now. Her father is saying she has reverted back to how she was when living at her mothers. He thought having her here with us was solving the problem. Obviously not. Nothing in life seems to give her any pleasure or if it does it is short lived. Her father and I feel we are constantly walking around on eggshells. Apparently she has been like this ever since she began secondary school (and she is in her final year now). Before that she was a happy, laid back and fun child with a lot of friends.
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Elongated Hissy Fit
SD16 is in a lengthy sulk. She wasn't allowed to stay over night at her boyfriend's last night and had a huge hissy fit. It is still going on now. I just came on here to vent. She stayed out the night before. She is only allowed to stay out one night a week. Which is more than most kids would be allowed. I reckon the day after the night out she should go to her BMs. I am fed up with her crabby and miserable mood from having no sleep / possibly a hangover.
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If its not one its the other...
Now the upset with SD16 has subsided (see I'm screwing up her life post) within minutes there is fresh drama with SD18. She got caught by a cop doing 55km/h in a 40km/h zone... looks like she might lose her license and have a $400 dollar fine...
She is really upset on the phone to her dad in tears. I feel sorry for her its a hard lesson to learn. At least she didn't crash or run someone over.
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I am screwing up her life
I am really worried about SD16. Her dad was having a talk with her last night (not something that happens very often) and she said she was really unhappy. She is still bitter about the break-up between her father and BM and basically having me here is just adding insult to injury. Her father doesn't want me to go but I think he should put the needs and wellbeing of his daughter above what we want. I can't bear screwing her life up and I wish I could just drop off the face of the planet.
BF/BM separated January last year.
I moved in February this year.
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The Making of the Monster
Further to my "Ooof She gives me a headache" SD18 has been on the prowl for money, texting her dad Friday night as she urgently needed these shoes for a party Saturday. He said to me "she won't get it that easily and we will make it difficult for her and she will have to justify it blah blah". Pffft we EVEN have to go to her house and drop the money off to her :jawdrop:. I was livid, what a load of tosh. His excuse is he "hates to see them go without" (as he went without stuff when he was a boy). I said it is his fault she is a spoiled brat.
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Ooof she gives me a headache
SD18 has come round to see her sister. She is one spoiled brat. Grrrrr they have been planning and plotting how much money their father *owes* them. There is nothing endearing about her at all. She is one lady muck with the face like the North end of a South-bound cow. Anyway now I have got that off my chest hopefully my headache tabs will kick in.
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What should and shouldn't be allowed at 16 years of age
Even though it is not that long since I was 16 I wouldn't know what is acceptable and what is not (since with my stepmum NOTHING was acceptable).
My Aussie man is so laid back, he will let anything go with SD just for an easy life!
What do you think about the following?
1) Answering back / being bolshy
2) Staying out all night (at friends houses and parties (we know where she is)
3) Staying at the boyfriend's house
4) Hogging the remote control and constantly flicking channels over
5) Not eating breakfast / lunch