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The Making of the Monster

Bec's picture

Further to my "Ooof She gives me a headache" SD18 has been on the prowl for money, texting her dad Friday night as she urgently needed these shoes for a party Saturday. He said to me "she won't get it that easily and we will make it difficult for her and she will have to justify it blah blah". Pffft we EVEN have to go to her house and drop the money off to her :jawdrop:. I was livid, what a load of tosh. His excuse is he "hates to see them go without" (as he went without stuff when he was a boy). I said it is his fault she is a spoiled brat. Any normal parent would help out lending money on things like car repairs and that sort of thing but "luxury" items are not essential and she should be at least saving up half herself. I don't think I am being unfair?
He already knows I don't like her and her carry on so why does he keep giving me even more excuses to like her less and less? He gives her no opportunity to redeem herself and continues to panda to her.
Anyway on the plus side SD16 (the one that lives with us) has been good, I went job hunting with her yesterday so hopefully something positive will come of that.


StepLightly's picture

You've got to be kidding me! She should pay for the entire amount for the shoes! She's 18-years-old! Where is her pride? She sounds very entitled to me. That's just going to get worse if he keeps handing over the money. The SD16 will become that way too. It's got to stop!

Nymh's picture

Umm, when I was 18, I went off to college. My parents gave me $1000 to live on for the entire semester. I had to spend $400 of that on a surgery that I had to have (no insurance) and I STILL came out in the black at the end of the semester!

All these SKids that I read about who are constantly asking for money for this and that just make me feel...hmm...disappointed? Yeah. Not only in the kids for being so selfish and "entitled," but to the parents for encouraging and reinforcing this behavior!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

unknown's picture

i couldn't decide if it made me angry or nauseated. tell him when she's knocked up, unmarried, with an abusive boyfriend and jobless, not to come crying to you for support. he's creating a monster.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

unknown's picture


Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

evilsm's picture

with my SD. My DH does not understand the word no. He has such a hard time telling SD no about anything and when he does he is so guilty about it that he is miserable. What a weekend we had too! (Whole other blog)

I wish I had some words of advice Bec but until your DH understands that he is inhibiting his child from becoming an adult you will have to deal with this type of bs. I wish I could make my DH understand that enabled children = enabled adults.


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren