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Bio Mom Made My Life Hell.

Beam_of_hope's picture

I hate myself sometimes for the way I feel towards my stepdaughter's mother. Stepparents definitely get the short end of the stick from my experience, but I have made the most of it and in the end I received the unconditional love of my stepchild who I view as my own daughter and she even calls me "Mom". Her biological mother finally abandoned her almost a year ago and so I'm going to adopt her. The last few years have been a hell though dealing with the bio mom and I feel I have PTSD from it. My husband and I spent years going back and forth from court to get joint parenting time then sole parenting time to now her parenting time suspended and me in the process of adoption. Her mother recently came back into the picture via phone and it makes my blood boil in anger. I hate that woman for everything she has done to my child and to my husband and myself. She left her child without a word and then pops up like nothing even happened, but blame on us. This woman blames EVERY SINGLE THING on us. She has never taken any accountability for her actions. From telling our daughter to not love us, to call us different names, telling her we are rapists, abusive, etc. She has posted pictures of our vehicles and license plates saying we were stalking her which was not true as we were just doing an exchange for our daughter. This resulted in her family or friend threatening to kill us and police didn't do anything. In the end she will say how we did all these things and completely reverse it. My husband and I had to put our daughter in therapy for years due to the back and forth. I was so happy when bio mother finally left honestly. My daughter is moving on and we are a happy family and our daughter wants me to adopt her to be her mom. Even though time has passed and the battle is almost truly over why do I hold this much anger at the thought of that woman? I try to move forward, but I hate that woman.  As a stepparent you can never do right in most people's eyes, but I truly with all of me love my stepdaughter.  I was fine with just being the stepparent and letting bio mother do her thing and parent and raise her, but she never stepped up to the plate. I got blamed for being there for our daughter so she could have somewhat of a stable environment without the chaos. Then bio mom would say I was trying to replace her and when I would pick her up from school she would play tug of war with our daughter when it was our week which resulted in multiple police calls for her to stop. I just wanted the war to end. It is now almost over as she lost all her parenting time (custody), but my anger hasn't ended. Why? Can anyone please give me insight on why I am so angry when it comes to this woman? She may have been an awful person to us, but why can't  I be a better person and move on? I really want to stop feeling so angry and be able to heal, but it seems impossible.  


SubstituteMommy's picture

I could have written this myself! Almost everything! Taking BM to court several times, BM being a neglectful piece of doo doo, BM never taking any accountability for her actions, etc. She's been out of the picture 90% of SD's life, but she occasionally drops in to cause issues when she feels like putting on a show. She has unstable family members who like to join in, too! I promise you, I feel your pain. I have a lot of built up anger, animosity, and resentment due to all that we have been through with such a sorry piece of trash.

Kes's picture

I am still angry with the BM in my life and it has been years since she has done anything really serious that affects me.  Don't expect your anger to dissipate any time soon - but try to see your anger not as a totally negative thing - it is there to protect you and your boundaries.  I grew up in an emotionally abusive household and was never allowed to show anger - in the end I never even felt any.  It is only after a lifetime of work on myself that I am actually able to feel my anger - it took about 45 yrs - I am now early 60s. Your anger is your friend - but there's no need to feed it - just let it be. 

CLove's picture

I was extremely angry with SD21 Feral Forger. But time and distance from her has calmed those emotions. She no longer has any presence in my life.

Toxic BM, Toxic Troll is my name for her. she on the other hand goes through all these ups and downs, I get whiplash. She will be calm, and then if she doesnt get her way, she will rage out. It sucks that you went through so much! Take time for yourself to get over it - it takes time to heal.