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attempting_to_maintain_composure's Blog

SD now refuses to visit SO...because of me?

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Well, I feel like hell now. And I know I shouldn't because all this is is a reflection on SD and GUBM, but, ouch. This really hurts. And I apologize if this is all over the place because I am running off of only five hours of sleep and I'm still reeling from all of this. I probably shouldn't, but, it's difficult for me right now.

Update: SD and Homeschooling

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Long time no post. Life got out of hand this past semester as it's my last semester of undergrad and there have been many deadlines looming over my head along with many life disturbances. A friend of mine took her life this semester and that disrupted the balance for sure.

I decided to pop on here to give an update.

And it gets better...

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

GUBM pulled SD out of school, get this, THREE WEEKS AGO. And SD has been lying to him ALL THIS TIME. GUBM's reason for not telling him? "I wanted to make sure all my affairs were in order and that all my i's were dotted and my t's crossed." REALLY?! How about this is HER FATHER, the person who is 50% responsible for her, 100% FINANCIALLY responsible for her because you can't be buggered to get a job, and you let her, nay, tell her to LIE to him for a month about how she's having so much fun at school, making so many friends, and all that delusional crap??
