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as's picture

When it come to my step-kids. Everybody knows from reading past blogs that my dh expects me to watch the kids and give his parents a break on the weekends so he can go hunting. My ss is 8 and my sd is 10. My dh expressed he wanted to get them a go cart for Christmas this year. I let him know I did not want him to get them one. Why he ask, because one, they are not that responsible, two they can get hurt,and three there is no where to ride one unless they ride it in our backyard. Also I expresse I would not allow them to ride the thing unless he was home and out there with them. He over rides my opinons and gets the 1500 dollar go cart (something we really can't affor either) and then gets mad at me because Iam upset about it. His says he does not understand why Iam so upset and that he has never had to ask permission to get his kids a gift. He then wants to know if Iam going to teach my sd how to drive one. I tell him no, I don't want any part of the go cart, He now says I don't want his kids. I feel as if, my opinions on important stuff and big purchases don't count then what the hell.


Totalybogus's picture

My husband and I have an agreement that neither of us will spend more than $400.00 on ANYTHING without consulting the other. After the $400.00 limit it must be a joint decision. You guys should discuss a spending threshold where there should be agreement before it is spent.

I would have had a stroke if my husband did this.