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anyha's picture

I have a feeling that I might be visiting this site off and on for.. hmm.. years maybe? So, i should probably get this blog going.

Quick summary:
Dating a 31yo divorced guy who has a daughter. BM is a "socially nice" person with a TON of insecurity issues, self esteem issues, family issues and so forth. Meaning, if you were to meet her she would be really sweet and nice to you but that doesn't mean she isn't stabbing you behind your back.

We've been dating for almost 3 years, the ex-w just moved close to us this year in august and now the fun begins. Was a really rocky winter, I went from thinking that the most difficult part of this situation was going to be getting to know his daughter, learning how to handle a 5yo, and learning how to deal with my emotions of having his ex and daughter so close by. Instead, she verbally attacked me while his parents were visiting and we were all out to lunch trying to help everyone feel "included". Told me i was being childish because I told him I wasn't comfortable with him spending time with his daughter at his ex-wife's apartment if she was going to be home whenever he was there. She then told him that he wasn't allowed to go to a kids concert with me and his parents while she went out with her 2 visiting friends for the evening. Instead he had to go to her apartment and be a babysitter while I entertained his parents at OUR place. (his parents are from another country so this was really petty of her to not allow at least him and his parents to spend time with their granddaughter.)

We struggled to try and do activities once in awhile where he took his daughter and spent the time with me and his daughter so we could get to know each other. (which is why i know his daughter likes me.. for now anyways)

She freaked out everytime he did this and he would stop trying to bring his daughter around me. They would talk, she would say that she realized that she needs to accept it.. we would try to schedule something again, she would freak out again. Last time she did this was in february where she totally flipped out and told him that the only favor she was asking of him was that she didn't have to share her daughter. Refused to share her daughter. (absolute hypocrit since she is a workaholic and put their daughter into daycare so she could go work when they were together even though he was making enough money it wasn't totally necessary).

So, now i'm banned. She schedules activities on his visitation day, that she then insists on joining them for. (so she can share in the experience with the daugher of course.. has nothing to do with him...) She talked him into going to church for easter as a family. (they don't normally go to church at all and he usually has visitation on saturday but not for easter! oh no)

I posted here, and since then he's been trying to make changes. He is trying to do activities away from her house so it's just him and his daughter. He started sharing more information with me about what they did, and whether his ex was around or not. (meaning he tells me when she is NOT there, so i can assume that if he doesn't say anything it means she WAS there.)

So, that's where we're at. His parents are coming again in August. Curious how that is going to go down. His parents like me, and i think they feel like she is the problem. (although they don't realize their own son is also the problem because he's allowing his ex to be so controlling and not putting his foot down about the situation)

Holidays are making me feel sick. Last year we tried to either do them as one big group, or we split the days up where he spent time at her place with the daughter and then brought the daughter over to our place for a few hours. (since i'm banned now.. not sure how holidays are going to work and if easter was an example... not good)

This saturday is the daughters birthday, so of course they will probably do family stuff all day and they are having a birthday party of the daughter with a bunch of other kids. I was prepared for that... then he tells me LAST NIGHT, that he will be home later than usual friday because they are going to go out to dinner the 3 of them for his daughters birthday. (she's 6... seems a bit much for 1 small child..) I told him i was not happy with this, and upset that he didn't mention this until the night before. He felt like he would only be delayed an hour or so and that it wouldn't change our night. SOOOO wrong.

I appreciate that he is TRYING. It's nice to see some progress being made even if it's really small bits. Better than nothing. But, first of all. I need time to process these kinds of things. All week I am thinking that we have friday night to ourselves, this is usually the one day that he comes home early (pretty much right after work). So, now he won't be. He'll be late. PLUS, he'll be out to dinner on a friday night with his ex-wife and 6yo. Makes it feel like a date. They're doing something special already for the daughter ON her birthday. Why do they need to go out to dinner as a little family the night before? It makes me feel sick and angry.

If this was once a year.. might feel different. But the ex already is constantly "arranging" these little family dates all the time. She's using her daughter as an excuse to get him to spend time with her is what it feels like.

For him, and his daughter, i'm trying not to blow up about it. So, i'm venting here instead. Wink

I wish I could ask someone professionally if what they are doing is even healthy for their child. What's wrong with just mom or just dad taking her to dinner for her birthday? Both mom and dad will be at her birthday party. It just feels like tonight is not for the daughter it's for the mom. That's' probably why it bothers me so much. I don't want to make it a big fight, incase it's something that they would say is ok and healthy for the child. (since it's a special event, mom/day should put aside their differences for the child) But.. maybe it's not? In which case i would be justified in feeling angry about it.

Either way... today sucks. Tomorrow sucks. Can't wait for them to be over, and i'm dreading July 4th which is the next holiday. Wondering if i should go make plans without him before he tells me the day before that he'll be spending that night with his daughter and ex-wife. :sick:


Anywho78's picture

Welcome and EWWW!

Is there a CO in place for visitation? If so, you may want to nudge your BF into taking her back to court for not allowing him his visitation. If there isn't a court order, then he needs to get one, like yesterday!

I wouldn't be there if my BF were spending the night at the ex's house (for the kid or not)...that would be an end game move in my eyes.

Have you thought about going to counseling yourself? It may not be a bad idea as often times, a therapist can suggest ways for you to work with your SO on the issues you're having...although, it sounds to me like your BF needs to make boundaries and stick to them.

Good luck!

Jsmom's picture

You need a CO in place. It is ridiculous that he even has to see her at all. We have 50/50 and my husband has not seen BM in 4 months since their last court battle....There are ways to do this so they never have to see each other.

He needs to see a lawyer and get it in writing when he sees the child. She can not tell him what he can and can not do on his time...Crazy situation.

EyesOfaStranger's picture

This just makes me sick... U should be PISSED!!! Him seeing his daughter should not involve the x!! She is doing that so SHE can see him and cause friction in your relationship... Typical BM, needs to be in control!! This it ridiculous!!! Like the other posters said, he needs a lawyer!! I feel so sorry for you! You have every right to be upset!! I would have left a long time ago....

anyha's picture

They have a CO that they don't follow. It was the standard 2 nights a week, every other weekend deal. But, that didn't really work until she moved closer. He used to go fly to another state for one weekend per month.

Now, they kind of have a plan but it's one they came up with themselves so that the daughter sees her dad more often. He picks her up from school every day and does homework with her until the mom comes home from work. Twice a night he stays late and puts her to bed and instead of every other weekend, he sees her for one weekend day every weekend. (like every saturday)

I posted previously, that this is a mix of the fact that they are so close by now to his work, that it's easier for him to take her straight home after school and just do her routine there at the ex's apartment. So, a good portion of it is convenience for him. Our place is a 1bd room, and i'm sure she would insist on the daughter having her own room if she were to ever stay with us. (although her staying with us is soooooo far down the road we'd probably be able to buy a house before it happens)

The mom always uses the excuse of what is best for the daughter. So, she'd probably send him 20 links to articles that talk about how children are damaged by ping ponging between households and so forth. The mom ironically is actually a counselor. (wish she would get some counseling of her own!)

Also, they mostly get along civilly. It's not a matter of him not wanting to have to see the BM. That doesn't bother him. And of course she threw out comments when she first moved here and he was trying to minimize contact about "maybe i should just drop our 5yo daughter off on the street corner so you can pick her up there and we can not have any contact at all". knowing of course that a dad isn't going to tell a mom to drop their child off on a street corner by herself. She's extremely manipulative emotionally. He's still pretty wounded emotionally because of her as well and it's probably only because he's a naturally happy kind of guy and easy going that he was able to survive the relationship at all.

He feels like he has to "put up" with her and appease her so that she doesn't pack up and move back to where they used to live. (which she COULD, cause there's nothing in their divorce about relocation)

He's not the first guy to have an ex try to control all contact with his daughter. Seems to be pretty common. And guys who are "nice guys" and are trying to co-parent seem to have this problem of not being able to put the ex in their place and define good boundaries.

He's working on it at least.. I hope he sticks up for his parents when they come to visit. I'm kind of hoping that his parents say something to him as well, although they also seem like the type to just put up with the ex and hope for the best. (his dad mentioned to me that it will get better in time... because the daughter will get older and start making her own decisions... she's 6.. so he's obviously thinking LONG TERM here.)

I wouldn't mind going to counseling, but aside from venting (which i can do here for free!) I'm not sure how it would help the situation unless I could get him to go with me. I told him i wanted him to go talk to someone professionally though so he could get advice how to "handle" the ex. I think he needs to hear it from a professional that letting the ex be so controlling and by not making clear boundaries that it is unhealthy for his child. The main reason he is putting up with it is cause he thinks it's what's best for the daughter. (like the birthday dinner tonight) If a professional or two told him what he was doing was wrong, and NOT healthy, he might feel like he was more in the right to tell her no.

He's already been pushing for more activities just the two of them. So, that's good. In a few weeks he's going to take the daughter for a weekend to a ymca camp. It's a "daddy daughter" event so "mom" coming along would not really fly. He didn't say it, but it's possible he agreed to the birthday dinner tonight instead of going against it also so she won't say anything about the camping trip. He's never been able to have the daughter overnight. The mom's never been away from her overnight since she was born. There's some big hurdles with this mom being able to "let go" of her child and allow the child to grow up and have other people as part of her life.

As someone mentioned on this site when i first came here about their own situation. BM's eventually get tired of controlling everything. It's going to be difficult for her to insist on these ridiculous rules as the daughter gets older as well as if i'm still in the picture. Eventually she'll have to accept it. And, eventually he's going to get tired of her trying to control him as well. (what he's doing now shows me that what i say eventually sinks in :)even if it takes a few weeks/months) Now that he is making an effort to do more activities just the two of them he is really enjoying his visitation time. No matter what they did, he always comes home and tells me how peaceful the day was with his daughter. (which is funny cause she is a boatload of energy and used to completely wear him out) Obviously what was making him so tired with having a child was probably the ex.

If HE saw a professional, they could point out how her behavior is about herself not the child. It would come across better if I was not the one saying that. (otherwise it's me being jealous or is dismissed as part of the me/her conflict)

anyha's picture

Just wanted to add this blog post from a child of divorce.

It's just really really hard to know what the best solution is for children when parents get divorced. According to this article, the author who is a child of divorce sees nothing wrong with mom/dad putting differences aside and doing stuff at the ex's house (the child's primary residence)

The flip side would be that every child wants their parents to get back together and by doing these "family outings" that the parents increase the confusion for the child. If mom and dad can get along, why can't they be together again so the child can have a home again with mom and dad. (his ex told him that the daughter thought he didn't love her because he didn't live with her... which the ex put on HIS shoulders to make him feel guilty instead of explaining to the daughter that living with her or not had nothing to do with him loving his daughter) -- seeing future issues here already! not looking forward to the rollercoaster if the BM encourages stuff like this to guilt her ex into spending more time at their house and more time as a "family"

MamaBecky's picture

Honey is sounds like they are still in a relationship, still together, still raising their child together, he is still trying to hard to please his ex, make life easier for her, and keep her happy. He should be trying to make YOUR life easier, please YOU, and make YOU happy. He treats you like the other women. Are you sure you arent?

on the fence's picture

That co is there for a reason and they need to start living by it of he wants to move on with his life and with you. This is terrible!

herewegoagain's picture

HUH? Are you kidding? My DH would have NEVER gone out to do anything with crazy witch while he was with me...that is wrong. If he feels the need to do that, and WITHOUT you, then he needs to go back to her and let you find someone who respects you.

Jsmom's picture

It sounds like they are still married....There needs to be distance and use the CO. If he is not willing to do that, then you may need to move on. This will be a guilty daddy in the teen years and let me tell you, that just sucks...