antidrama's Blog
Today's Drama--kinda long
From BM to DH:
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Yesterday I was 1) blamed for letting SD forget her saxaphone (WHICH WAS IN DH'S F-ING TRUCK which further enforced the fact that I didn't even know it was AT our house) and then 2) badmouthed because I am "smart" (between me, DH, and BM, I am the only one with a college degree--2 actually).
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Why is it MY fault that SD11 forgot to take her saxaphone to school today??? Here's what happened. She stayed with us last night. She doesnt normally bring it with her to our house because the bus drops her off at BM's house instead of ours (different school district) and she pratices before DH picks her up (or so she says--you know how that goes!). I didn't even SEE the freaking thing last night or this morning. Today DH's alarm didn't go off and he woke up to MY alarm 90 minutes later AHHHHHHH.
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We had SD11 yesterday. She must have been in a good mood or the stars must have aligned because she came running up and hugged me as soon as she walked in. She was very loving and affectionate and paid more attention to ME than she did DH...which was a FIRST in almost 3 years. I even fussed at her slightly (she always tries to blame others on why her responsibilities weren't accomplished as they should have been--getting her notebook signed, turing in her HW in on time, etc. Wonder where THAT comes from LOL). Then 10 minutes later she was hugging on me and being super sweet again.
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So it looks like I'm going to be the one who talks with SD about her changing body and that things that were previously no big deal, are now becoming inappropriate for someone her age.
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Ok, so my DH always tries goes down to Daytona for bike week in the spring and fall. BM usually decides that SHE'S going to go (even though her bike is broken and her bank account is in the negative) so he can't or he has to shorten his trip to make sure SD is taken care of. This year is the first year that I will be able to go (my work schedule has alway prevented it in the past) and I'm super excited. We have a free place to stay and get to see a lot of friends we never get to see. The best part....DH asks BM if he can switch one of his days with her so he can go and she says yes.
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Why is it that I come up with all these cute ideas of things to do for SD11 (going to her fav place to eat even though DH and I HATE it to celebrate her 1st day of middle school was the example last night) and she runs up to DH and thanks HIM not me. He always gets the credit for the things I come up with. I'll buy her flowers randomly just "because" or a nail polish color I think she would love, or go to the store and get all of her favorite things and I get NOTHING... But DH does the slightest thing (that was probably my idea anyway) and she acts like she won the lottery.
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It must suck...
It must suck to know that your mom is a horrible person. That is what my SD is finding out more and more every day. We talked to her about the very hurtful things that BM has started telling DH that are supposedly coming from SD. Turns out...none of it was true. SD was standing there when BM said one of the things and told her afterward that she shouldn't have lied and twisted her words around like that. We informed her of the other things that had been said and she just looked stunned and confused and said "WHERE DID THAT COME FROM??? I NEEEEVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT".
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Guess she found the balls...
For about 2 months we've known that BM was working her courage up to ask for more CS. SD11 is starting middle school next week and will begin riding the bus to and from school back to her house and will be there for an additional 1.5 hours each day. Apparently she thinks that means her bills are going to be up by $200. Hahahahahaha. WTF does she think SD is going to be doing for less than 2 hours? Build an atom bomb? She complained about how she was having to pay for this and that (NORMAL costs of having a child). Woe is me, I'm a single mom blah blah blah.
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She's gotta be making this s*&% up.
A couple weeks ago BM yelled and screamed in one of her usual fits. She said that SD11 told her that DH always takes MY side on things and never hers. My first reaction was to be really hurt that she would say something like that. We have great relationship (or so I thought) and she has never acted up. Then I started to think about it. DH doesn't take sides where is this coming from? The only thing I can think of is that when I sometimes tell her its time to take a shower or go brush her teeth and DH will say "yeah...what SHE said".
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