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Anon2009's Blog

On the topic of Maury...and of being "trapped"...

Anon2009's picture

You'd think that shows like Maury's would encourage men to think with their big brains instead of their little ones.

You'd think that shows like Maury's would encourage men to "wrap it up," at the very least.

You'd think that show's like Maury's would encourage men (and women) to really get to know someone, at least, before getting into bed/the back of a vehicle/on the sofa/wherever with them.

Another blog on Funerals for exes and their relatives

Anon2009's picture

Would you go to them, especially if you have younger kids with the ex? Or kids of any age?

I would. But then again, I get along and am even friends with many of my exes and their loved ones. And dh despises bm but he'd go to her wake and funeral for the girls. Even though she has majorly messed up, and they know it, she's still their mom and a person they love. Even if they were adults when she died.

Thoughts on Cheating part II

Anon2009's picture

Something someone (I think it was StepAside) said really stuck with me.

Most of us get $hat on by BMs, sks and ILs and we haven't even done anything. So I think if you are the other person, you have handed them all a really big reason to dislike you and make your life very, very unpleasant. Again, should she involve the kids, no. But she can do so without the kids knowing about it.

How exactly should bm move on if she was cheated on and now has to deal with "the other woman"

Anon2009's picture

As her kids sm?

She shouldn't use the kids as therapists-we can all agree on that. But how exactly should she move on, and deal with her hurt, her kids hurt over the breakup of their family, and her kids questions about the breakup?

My thoughts on cheating

Anon2009's picture

1. It's not an excuse to bash sm to the child or pas.

2. It's not ok.

3. If you cheat on your spouse/so or are "the other person," you need to expect that a lot less people will like you and more people will think unfavorably of you. More people will likely judge you. So it will be very hard for most to feel any sympathy for you if you decide to complain about the treatment you receive. Some may even say, "you play, you pay."

I read some things here that make me sad.

Anon2009's picture

One such thing is that many BMs don't use CS on their kids. I didn't know just how many women used CS on themselves until I came to this site.

It makes me sad that a lot of BMs do not spend time with their kids. To that end, I can see how/why skids would get jealous of the kids living in Dad's home. Not only do the other kids see Dad more, but they also have caring moms who spend time with them.

Another psycho BM- this one shot the father of her kids as he slept

Anon2009's picture

They were in an intense custody dispute. Something none of us know anything about Wink

She pled guilty because she faced the death penalty if convicted at trial. She is still allowed contact with her kids.

What a crazy person.

This woman, Dana Chandler, is the most psycho ex/BM I've ever seen- from "48 Hours" on tv

Anon2009's picture

She killed her ex-husband and his FDW. Her case has been featured on "48 Hours."

She was so obsessed with her ex, Mike Sisco, and his FDW, Karen Harkness. She would frequently make long drives to Kansas to stalk them. She often drove there from as far away as Colorado. Prosecutors say that's an 8-hour trip. Mike kept detailed records of her stalking. She wrote some pretty disgusting emails to her teenaged daughter about Mike and Karen. Mike had custody of the kids. I saw these videos recently and thought of this site. This woman makes a lot of the BMs here look good :jawdrop:
