Annies Story...
I dont believe ive had the chance to really tell my story. Whenever ive confided in a friend, ive held back some of what is really going on in my head because I was afraid they would think I was a bad person. Finding this website was a blessing because I have been holding everything in for sooo long that I felt like I was going to explode! So, with that being said, below is my whole story. I already feel a great sense of relief in knowing that at the end of this blog I will have let it all out! I look forward to being a active member on Steptalk!
5 years ago I met my husband at my sisters wedding. He was a charming and funny guy! We had so much in common that we quickly fell in love. We both have one child from previous relationships. At the time my son was almost 5 and his son was 1 year old. Within 4 months of meeting we were married and started our lives as a family! In the begining I cared very deeply for his son. We quickly became very close. He cried when I left to work and he came with me everywhere. Soon after we were married I found out I was pregnant. I didnt want to have a child so soon but seeing what a great father my husband was to his son, I decided not to worry too much and to go ahead with the pregnancy. When our son was born my stepson was 2 years old. I will never forget the very first time I was angry with him. I was taking a shower, my newborn baby was with my husband and my stepson. When I turned off the water I heard the baby screaming! I came out and saw my baby on the bed crying while my husband and my stepson were reading a book and laughing. I felt so angry at my husband for ignoring our son! I asked him why and he said that HIS son was getting jelous so he wanted to make him feel better!! WHAT? our son is screaming crying and your worried about jelousy? really? something must have happened in me at that point because since that day I started to feel resentment towards my stepson. I started to notice anything and everything that was unfair or different. My husband would yell at my older son for not eating all his food but tell his son it was okay if he didnt finish. Or he would take his son on outtings without telling me and me and my two sons are at home! Once I came home for lunch and found my husband there with his son while OUR son was at daycare! I was so angry that he was sitting there having a jolly old time while my baby was stuck at the sitters house when he could be at home with his dad! So much more but too much too list. After confronting my husband he said that he just feels guilty that his son doesnt stay with us all the time so he feels he has to make it up to him! I try to explain to him that the other two boys are going to grow up to resent him and my stepson but he doesnt think so. At this time my stepsons mom started to butt in on our lives more and more. She would call my husband and complain about the color of her sons poop!!! She said we must not be feeding him right so we must change his diet! AND OFCOURSE my husband is scared of her so he would remove anything from his sons plate that he thought would change the color of his poop! OH MY GOD, that would piss me off sooooo much! Currently our children are 10, 6, and 4 (stepson is the 6 year old). When my stepson hit about 5 years old he started going back to his mom "reporting" everything that was going on in our home. He runs to her and tells her that im mean becuase I wont give him juice! Im sorry that I have rules in my house and that I dont want my kids running around with bad teeth! I only allow juice at meal times, its water through out the day for my kids! Im also mean because he says the water I bathe him in is too hot! but my younger son who is sitting right next to him in the tub seems to think the water is fine!! I never bathed him again after that! He runs to her for every little things which in turn has caused some massive arguement between herself and I and also between me and my husband. My stepson tries very hard to get his way in my house by manipulating his dad and playing on his heart strings. He gets him to give in when my kids have to follow rules! My oldest has come to me and asked me why his "brother" gets to do something when he doesnt... I tell him to go ask his dad (my husband)! My husband obviously gets upset but I want my kids to know that its not me who allows this to go on! Sooo, My husband is hurting becuase I am no longer close to my stepson and really dont care to be. And he (my husband) wants us to be a big old happy family. I do feel bad at times because my husband is very close with my oldest son and he is an awesome father and husband!! But I cant help but cringe every time I know my stepson is going to walk through that door!! I try to schedule all my appointment and workouts on the days and evenings I know he will be there so I dont have to run into him. During the week when my stepson isnt with us I am the happiest wife and mom in the world! I picture our lives without him in it and I love what I see! I feel like such a bad person for feeling like that but I dont know how to feel any other way! I have tried in vain to get closer to him again but I just cant stand being around him. I want to make this work for my husband, my kids, and my sanity but I dont see how! Ugg, well regardless, im so glad I found this site and I knew that I would feel better after letting all this out! AND I REALLY DO!! I will be back most definitly tomorrow!!
- AnnieMom925's blog
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Wow that is a tough spot to be in. Don't worry or feel bad, we hear of feelings and situations like this all this time, so you are not the only one if that is any comfort to you.
Of course you can't have one child favored over the others and your DH needs to learn that. But so far I think you are handling things great! Don't let anyone make you feel bad, you are not the problem.
"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912
to the sight! You will feel better just reading that others have the same issues too.
You can have a skid that just worships the ground you walk on and sure as we all blog here that kid will go back and tell the other parent stuff. That is just the way that it is I have learned. Particularly with the younger ones. My SS is 8 and he does this but I have found he only does this if he has gotten in trouble or something with us or if his mom is in one of her vicious cycles about his dad and he will say things to get on her good side. Not sure what the relationship with the BM is like in your case you only posted about the food and poop deal.
I am pregnant with my first ever. Currently we have SS one night a week and every other weekend. We trying for 50/50...court in Sept. Anyway my H LOVES his son to death. Now H is real good about making him be respectful and mind and all those things I would want but sometimes I don't think this will happen but I am scared it will happen what you have said above that H will feel guilty as our kid will be there full time but SS will not be. I know your SS was very young when ya'lls baby was born and I can understand the jealousy of a 2 year old and H wanting to do something about it but to leave your baby crying while they read book or be home with SS and leave baby at daycare is unacceptable. To me he should be encouraging the time btw the 2 kids so that they will be close and grow up together since they are so close in age.
You are normal in your feelings and you must stand your ground. How do you and the SS get along? How does SS and the baby well 4 now get along? what is your H relationship with the baby 4?
First off, thank you all...
for all the warm welcomes! Ive spent HOURS reading through posts on this site and a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! Now, atleast, I know im not some evil woman for feeling the way I do!! Thank you again for that! That being said I can answer your questions

My SS and my children get along fine. They dont have any big issues (yet) with STEP or half. My oldest is the only one who complains sometimes about his "brother" getting away with stuff that he wouldnt. But for the most part they see eachother as brothers and they love being together. Ofcourse they have the normal kid scwabbles but nothing too drastic yet.
My DH and my first son (from a previous relationship) have a good relationship. They are close. My DH sometimes leaves him out of conversations or he'll forget to include him in plans. Im sure it takes work on his (DH) part but it is nothing close to the effort it takes me with his son.
That being said, my relationship with my SS isnt really there at all anymore. I try to avoid being around as much as possible when I know hes with us. BUT obviously I cant be gone all the time so when I am around I do include him in everything we do. Even when hes not with us and we make plans ill ask my DH if hed like to invite his SS. Ofcourse in my head im hoping he declines or he tells me it wont be possible. I guess my thing is I need to make a more emotional connection with my SS. I just cant see it happening while im so anxious about him being around.
Glad you are here and look forward to getting to know you!
I will recommend the book "Stepmonster". It's great and will give you some great insight and advice on how to deal with certain things.
Guilt parenting. Another tradition I could live without.
Welcome to the community. I hope you find it a good place to vent, contribute and get some useful advice.
Your story is not at all unusual. In fact nearly every blended family that I am aware of struggles with it at some level. In my Son's case (SS-16), the guilt is in play with my Wife (his Mom) since she has dedicated an inordinate amount of effort in mitigating the unfortunate circumstances of his birth. My Wife was a 16yo single Mom, BioDad was a 21yo idiot (he is still an idiot by the way). BioDad abandoned them in a ratty travel trailer to chase another 16yo statutory rape candidate. My Wife went on to graduate with her HS class, complete a dual major BS with honors, and MBA with honors and is a CPA. Though we have no other children there have been instances when my Wife makes decisions that I do not agree with out of guilt about the situation of my SS's birth.
When he is on visitation with BioDad and the SpermClan the guilt takes on a different form. BioDad and SpermGrandMa pour on the guilt about how it is not fair that my Son (SS) lives a privileged life and his Dad does not. There is no mention of my Wife's accomplishments and BioDads comparatively crappy decisions. THEY pour on the guild about how my Son (SS) has nice things and his three younger also out-of-wedlock half sibs do not. THEY pour on the guilt that the disparity between my Son's (SS's) life style and theirs is not fair and that THEY (The SpermGrandParents) pay the CS obligation for their loser POS son.
In this situation they are guilt parenting my SS's half sibs and beating up my SS for their inability to provide for the other three out-of-wedlock spawn.
So, I detest guilt parenting both as a person married to a former Single Mom and as a StepDad who has to repeatedly mitigate the toothless moron guilt parenting crap from his SpermClan.
Your DH is causing all three of the children in your home damage. His son from a previous is going to grow up to be one of those "I'm Special" kind of people who have little or nothing special about them. Yours from a previous is going to deal with repeated hurt and pain because he will see his StepBro getting preferential treatment for poor performance while he is busting his ass for his "Dad's" approval and recognition "What about me Dad?" and your youngest (the Joint Child) will likely struggle with alternating bouts of the "I'm Special" and "what about me Dad?" crap that he will see each of his older Bros experiencing.
Your DH needs a serious foot up his ass before he ruins his marriage to you and burdens all three of his children with a bunch of crap that will be ALL ON HIM.
My hopes are with you on giving him clarity on this.
Good luck and best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)