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Aniki-Moderator's Blog

OT - Tone-up Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Or, in my case, Monday 2.0. Blech! The good news is that I'm down 2 pounds,. The bad news - NO idea how I did it. Must have been the protein in those maple-bacon donuts I had on Saturday...

What is a childhood activity that you still enjoy? If you say "None" or can't think of anything, that's sad! I don't care how old you are...SAD.  A trip back to childhood can be FUN and possibly reduce your stress level.

Things I still enjoy:


OT - Tone-up Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Tuesday, STalkers! Sorry I'm so late to the game, but this day has been nuckin' futz!!!

How goes it with you? As crazy as it's been for me, I'm getting in MY steps, my boss's steps, and a couple of my coworkers...

When you're not where you want to be weight-wise, what do you do to make yourself feel better and looking your best (don't say eat chocolate....)? Do you style your hair a certain way? Wear a particular outfit?


So excited about hanging out with BioHo!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

NOT. Ish. Dash 1

SD26 invited DH and me to her graduation. 'Ho had a major screaming fit about it. So in an effort to soothe the savage 'Ho-beast, there will now be a small AFTER PARTY. Oh, happy joy!

There's only one thing I love more than hanging out in a college dive bar and that's hanginig out in a college dive bar with 'Ho and that cuckolded husband of hers who GIGGLES CONSTANTLY like a 12yo girl. Sigh...

OT - Tone-up Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Tuesday, STalkers! I don't know about you, but I started this week 'off'. I was sick over the weekend (some kind of stomach virus) and still feeling Blah. I don't even have the energy to get around at my normal walk-run pace. Aniki needs a nap! And me needing a nap means I'm still not 100%.

What do YOU do after an illness when you're not 100% and out of energy? Give it more time? Or try to push it?


the sh!t hath hitteth the fan

Aniki-Moderator's picture

SD26 graduates from college this Spring. The graduation ceremony is next month. DH and I received our invitation yesterday. I was flattered to be part of the invite. IMO, this is more proof that SD26's and my relationship is progressing well.

What DH and I did NOT know is that invites are limited to two people per graduate. Sooooooo.....
Guess who won't be at SD26's graduation ceremony?
