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Aniki-Moderator's Blog

OT - Tone-up Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Tuesday, STalkers! Sorry I'm so late, but it's been a crazy day.

There are days (weeks!) when it's impossible to anticipate what will happen and if you'll be glued to your desk or need your running shoes. Today is a running shoes kinda day. No doubt about - running around with a cup of coffee can be hazardous!! 

What do you to when you're so busy running around that you barely have time to go the bathroom, much less eat?  Candy bar? Protein bar? Bag of pretzels? Protein shake? Nuts?


How To Ruin A College Graduation Party

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I have FINALLY gotten enough time to recount the fiasco known as SD26’s college graduation party. Good thing I recorded, filmed, and wrote down key notes! This is long…

It’s been a month since SD26 graduated from college. Invitations were limited to two guests. DH and I were invited. BioHo was NOT and ‘Ho was absolutely incensed. In an attempt to appease the beast known as BioHo, SD26 decided to have a party following the ceremony. At a bar. Big mistake. YUGE.

OT - Tone-up Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

And by wet, I mean your body. On the inside. 

Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. Your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints. Water is needed for overall good health.


OT - child or adult

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Another post got me thinking... Do you consider 17 years old to be a child? A 17yo can drive a car, hunt, and hold down a job. A 17yo can join the military and fight for his/her country. A 17yo can be tried as an adult in a court of law. 

But do you consider a 17yo to be a CHILD?? Childish, sure. But a child?? Thoughts.

Instant Babysitter BS

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What IS it with these bio parents who think the step parent is the immediate solution for a babysitter?? This is typically bio dads ASSuming that the step mom-ster is the go-to solution for whatever craptastic reason/situation he has.

Working overime (VOLUNTARILY)? Instant Babysitter to the rescue!

Running to the store (and gone for hours)? Instant Babysitter to the rescue!

Instant Babysitter. Just add GUILT!

OT - Tone-up Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Who likes being in/on the water? Well, tt’s that time of year when water sports and activities can be outdoors – woo hoo!!!

There are many benefits to aquatic exercise, including physical and psychological. Swimming and other aquatic activities can be valuable to a person’s overall physical and mental health. People who are recovering from an injury, have a disability, or experience stress would benefit highly from aquatic therapy.

