Fabulous Day :)
Sooo, since my first entry my bf and I had a bit of a blow out. I've always heard that keeping your feelings bottled up would drive one insane. I feel like I was heading toward major depression, but last night the bf and I had it out. Amazingly, it was wonderful. I think partially because we never fight. He pointed out that I get on SD for every little thing, which to an extent, he's right. I do. She is 4 and I should lighten up a little bit. I just feel like if I give she's going to take more than I'm actually giving. She's famous for it. He says it's because I'm mad at BM for our current situation (see "the big vent"), which it's true that I am angry with her, but I'm angrier with BF than anybody about it for his lack of action. It felt great to get our feelings out and discuss things. My major thing was about BM being around to appear to be a good mom and only around when it's convenient. She'll be around for the start of preschool, kindergarden, middle school, high school, homecoming, you get my point, and brush me to the side even though I'm the one reading the bed time stories at night. I know that it's wrong to want to be there for those things for somebody else's daughter, but it's just not fair. Life isn't fair I guess. I've never wanted to take her place, but would it kill her to share down the road a little considering I'm the one teaching her to chew with her mouth closed, not interupt, reading the bed time stories, teaching her to match her clothes, teaching her responsibiliity with her chores. I just HATE it. I HATE the fact that I'm being the mom and I'm not the mom. I don't want to take away her daughter, I really don't, I'd never do that, it's just hard to stop these feelings when I'm basically her mom, and BM is the one who takes her away for 2 days, messes up her behavior with her lack of structure or discipline, and I have to fix it when SD comes home. I don't know why things like her "firsts" and not being able to be the one to take her dress shopping have been on my mind so much recently, but they have and I can't help it. Maybe I need to go back to my therapist.
Just realized I got way off track.... yeessshhh.... SD, BF, and myself had a great day. We went for a drive out in the country and to some walking trails. I got some beautiful pictures of SD playing in the leaves. It was perfect, like nothing in the world could go wrong. We had a great dinner, well it was pizza, but we were together, no arguements about eating, or chewing with our mouth closed. The I got some quality time with my honey. Perfect. I could only wish that tomorrow would be just as great. I give a lot of credit to our care free day to our discussion last night. We vented, and my mood was fabulous today!
- anicole's blog
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Round 1 of being with a guy
Round 1 of being with a guy with kids taught me that I'd never tolerate being with someone who didn't want to communicate. Round 2 of being with a guy with a kid is reinforcing that. My BF is amazing when it comes to communication, not just from a guy with baggage standpoint, but from a guy standpoint. I count myself lucky as all get out and I wouldn't trade him. Hold on to communication and don't settle for less.
Thank you! We are both bad
Thank you! We are both bad about bottling stuff up and we talked a little about that last night to
It made me so happy to actually talk about it even if we didn't come to a resoulution, not that I think there is a good one.
If you are the custodial SP
If you are the custodial SP you will get most of the firsts. I got the first "Daddy!", I got the first "look daddy, poopy in the potty" :jawdrop: , I got the first "Look daddy, I can read"
, I got the first "look dad, I can ride my bike!"
, I got the ONLY "thanks for coaching my baseball/soccer/swim team dad"
, I got the first "wow, camping was fun dad"
, I got the first ............
As the custodial SP I also got the pre visitation behavioral explosions and the post visitation detox periods. Fortunately for us though we only went through the pre and post visitation crap three times a year rather than every other weekend.
I became "Dad(dy)" when my son (SS) was 1yo and he just turned 18. Now I will get to help him through the character issues he inheritted from his SpermIdiot. But, like all the other firsts, I am happy to help my son (SS) with those accomplishments also. I will be the one to hear "thanks dad, I just finished my degree", I will be the first to hear "Dad, this is ???? we are going to get married>" I will be the first to hear "Congratulations GrandRags. Dad, it's a boy/girl!"
As with most things he has accomplished, he will likely not tell the SpermIdiot or any of the adults in the SpermClan about anything until months after he has accomplished it. He will probably text his half sibs about it but the SPermIdiot and the SpermGrandParents will be the last to know if they ever find out at all.
But I have to say .... it would have been a whole lot easier if the SpermIdiot would have met with a fortunate and very painful demise 16+ years ago.
Best regards,