BM continues to make herself look like a complete idiot in front of everyone that will listen. Last week at SS7s annual doctor's appointment she was so embarrassing DH had to go back in and apologize to the doctor for her behavior after she had left. To which the doctor responded "when's your new court date again?" Haha, all I could do was laugh at that. This week she wrote in SS7s assignment book (and I'm quoting here) "I'm sorry _____'s stepmother continues to remove the spelling work we complete from his folder. I will put it in your box from now on." To which the teacher replied- "Okay. Thank you". Now, yes I DID remove a spelling page that had been completed because the assignment was to put their spelling words in alphabetical order, and after talking to SS7 about it he told me that BM just wrote the list down and he copied it. I didn't think that was teaching him anything so I removed it and had him re-do the exercise properly. I didn't think I was wrong for that and I even left BMs initials on the sheet so the teacher never would've known he had done it at our house had she not made an idiot of herself. Anyway, so because of this, the homework sheet is sent home on Mondays for the entire week and is to be sent back completed on Fridays. We always get an emailed copy of the homework sheet anyway just in case BM is an idiot and decides not to send it with SS7 to our house Tuesday afternoon. Well, she didn't send anything this week, and our stupid printer wouldn't let us print the homework sheet because it was in the wrong format so I requested another one today from the teacher. Now, we have via text that all SS7 did Monday night was "read a book of his choice" for homework, but SS7 couldn't tell me what he read so I have nothing to put down for his reading log for that day (-20 points for that) and he apparently had some math timeline that was to be completed by tomorrow with instructions on a separate sheet that was sent home that didn't get sent with him either. I wrote the teacher a note (not in the assignment book, I'd rather not make myself look like an ass but rather an adult concerned about the 7 year olds grades...anyway) and asked her to send home the extra sheet if BM didn't turn anything in completed. (Since she is supposedly now turning everything in to the teacher's "box" at school...) Some days I really just want to strangle someone...I think it would make me feel so much better.
- AndSoItIs's blog
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I feel your pain. BM used to
I feel your pain. BM used to do all of SD's homework in kindergarten because she didn't want to be bothered with actually showing her how to do it.
We made copies every time.
This problem here is exaclty
This problem here is exaclty why I am forcing DH to get involved with SS4's teachers. BM doesn't tell us anything, and they have joint custody. BM must not feel it is important. No wonder, she barely passed high school. Education is not important to her.
I told DH, fax over copies of the CO to the school, they legally have to talk to you. Chances are, knowing BM, the school doesn't even know you exist.
Oh no they do. They have a
Oh no they do. They have a copy of the court order and I've met with their teachers. I don't think BM knows this though. Bc she's an idiot. That's why we get a copy of the hw sheet emailed to us every week bc every OTHER week it's sent home to BMs house. We just couldn't get it to print this week. Fortunately for us, the teachers (who have been subpoenaed to court along with the school nurse) realize that she's an idiot and don't really deal with her unless they have to. Just annoying to read about "his stepmother" and how sick it makes me that she thinks she's trying to make me look bad. Too bad it only makes her look MORE childish to everyone.