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Why do I have to point this out to you?...

Amazedstepmom's picture

Why do I have to point out the your kids are here to see you, not play in their room while you fill out (non-urgent) paperwork?
Why do I have to remind u to pay your CS and tell BM when you will be away for work?
Why do I have to be the one to get annoyed when your kid takes a helping of dinner that is too much for two adults and they have been told over and over to take a small amount and then get more if still hungry...this is at the same time you sit there and laugh?

Should have just went away for the evening to avoid being here.

I never saw my life getting to the point where I have no desire to come home...


bal419's picture

I know the feeling. I generally DREAD every other Fridays (Switch days) .... bc I know the arguing is right around the corner.

Honestly... I hear myself write these things, and I have to wonder wtf am I DOING! I'm just another stupid woman.
Why do I purposely put myself in the middle of someone's family, and subject myself to alllll it's bullshit. it's so fucked up.

DaizyDuke's picture

Agreed! We just moved into a new house and there is ALOT of work to be done. Not saying that skids should be slaves, but good grief.... they literally "helped" for FIVE minutes then sat around eating every scrap of food in the house, loading up the sink with dirty dishes which they of course can't even be bothered to put in the dishwasher, kicked a ball around outside, road the 4-wheeler and then sat on the front porch watching everyone ELSE work their butts off doing stuff. THEN, told DH they wanted to go home.. they were bored. WTF? Our BS1 seriously did more to help than the 12 and 13 year old skids did. He actually helped me carry little pieces of wood to the wheelbarrow, (tried) to help me shovel and (tried) to help me sweep the floor.

I mean skids didn't even OFFER to help, who does this?? UGH!

sonja's picture

Been there and same deal everyotherweekend. SD4's behavior is a new mess everytime shes here. Correcting her about the same thing, reminding DH that certain behaviors are not appropriate, that that isnt how you talk to me, that youre old enough to go potty by yourself.

And then on FDH, that its ok for her to play in her bedroom and that she MUST learn this skill! That a child must be able to occupy themselves so you can shower, and she shouldnt flip a lid when you need to leave the room to pee! And you can mow and work on your car later, you dont have to do it all of a sudden now that shes here. (This weekend he just HAD to split wood.. wtf?)

She is old enough to know and remember that this every other weekend is how the schedule works, that we have different rules here and you must listen to both of us. If dad says no dont even think about asking me.

Plus its the way she asks that gets under my skin. (you can... if you want to). Uh hello!? Im the adult.. and the never ending question of 'what's wrong?' I told her this past weekend that she is not an adult and dont ask me that again.

Its a never ending cycle. I dont want to be at home either. If it wasnt for BS I think I would have given up or told FDH he can see SD at his parents house, dont even think about bringing her up here.