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No limit to BMs attemtps to have someone take care of her

alieigh21's picture

Last Monday DH went to check on MIL. He was concerned because she seemed to be avoiding him and his siblings. He was right to be concerned. He was able to have her taken to the hospital where they could make her comfortable and have a priest administer rites before she went peacefully the next morning. Needless to say it's been an emotional couple of weeks for all of us. I know how hard it is to lose someone close, as do my kids. My kids were respectful and did what they could to help ease the grief for DH and his family. I've done my best to help DH and SD and DH and his family were very appreciative. I was proud of SD, except for choosing a completely inappropriate outfit for the visitation and a slightly less inappropriate outfit for the funeral she behaved.

Today DH texts me to tell me BM is calling him because she "Want's to talk to him about something" He's convinced she is expecting there to be an inheritance for SD, herself or her BS. I really hope he is wrong but I have to admit she really only calls him when she's looking for money.


misSTEP's picture

My grandma does that too. My other grandma had us come to grab what we wanted. It was very morbid to me. It wasn't like she was dead or even dying.

All I took was her craft supplies and all her hand-written recipes.

Generic's picture

I love this! I have a doll like that too from my grandmother. No amount of "inheritance" is worth more. You find out what people are really made of when it comes to this issue. I used to work in probate/ estate planning. The nicest people you could ever meet until money is involved. It's truly disheartening to watch loving families disintegrate over money.

LaMareOssa's picture

Exactly, ExhustedSM, Disgusting.

I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with that. I know how it is with money grubbing BM's

Generic's picture

This is such an interesting topic. My neighbor's partner just died. They had been together for 20 years but never married. He left everything to her in the will, but his estranged daughters all thought it would go to them. They even called the police on my sweet neighbor and brought a freaking lawyer to the funeral.

alieigh21's picture

My mom went through something similar when my step father passed. It's sad when people care more about what they will get than the person they lost.

MIL had a will. Her kids and grandkids loved and respected her. DH will have a healthy inheritance and SD will get something much more modest. BM went on a phishing expedition when DH and I got engaged. When DH would tell SD or BM he didn't have the money for something extra for SD they would ask if I had it. His response was always I had my own children to provide for and I wasn't responsible for SD. When we were going thru the custody fight she tried unsuccessfully to get access to my financial data.

I would not be at all surprised if she is looking for a payout here. She'll never get her hands on anything DH has but SD is another story. She has yet to pay a cent of CS since DH has had custody and we found out that since SD got a part time job BM is letting SD take her to dinner and buy her things.

alieigh21's picture

MIL had a will. We knew there would be some inheritance but it seems like it will be more than DH ever expected. MIL was very tight lipped about her money. We only know the specifics of what SD gets because she was concerned if she passed before SD was an adult BM would take her money.

MIL wanted the kids to do something fun or special with some of the money. DH says he wants to take a vacation to the same place his parents honeymooned. We share the household bills, but I pay a bigger share since I earn more. I also made the down payment on our house. He sees this as an equalizer. He wants to pay off the debt we accumulated in the custody fight. Then put some money back into the house, either in improvements or to pay down the mortgage. The rest will go to savings.