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Get the Popcorn its Show Time

advice.only2's picture

Well the great dinner date has come and gone (they went dutch) and using my great sleuthing skills I have deducted that Spawns whole reason for wanting to meet with DH to “hash things out” all boils down to she wants to get her hooks in BD17!

She was the one who dropped off the flowers and didn’t sign the card because she just knew we would throw them out if we knew it was from her (eye roll).  She thinks of BD17 all the time (stalker), and now that BD17 is an “auntie” she would really like to reconnect with her.

So there you have it, the great mystery of the flowers and Spawn’s sudden interest in contacting DH is solved…Spawn needs a babysitter!

Now onto the History According to Spawn:

I never did anything one on one with her (interesting the level of amnesia she suffers from because I was the one who took her to do everything all the time and DH was always pushing “one on one” time down my throat).

She was just a kid and we took out all our frustrations about Meth Mouth on her, and she was just a kid and we should have known better (when she was a kid it wasn’t bad yet, but the things she is referencing happened when she was a teenager and was aware of her actions).

She was upset that we used to tell her not to turn out like her mom (I guess Spawn wants to be a Meth addict at some point).

I put up family photos and she wasn’t in them and that hurt her fee fees (this was after she was already in the process of moving out and I had photos taken of MY KIDS and had the audacity to hang them on my walls).

She’s a SM now and would like to sit down and talk with me because her relationship with her baby daddies ex is great and her skids call her mom (eat a d@ck Spawn!).

She knows we talk bad about her “ALL THE TIME” and so we have probably ruined her ability to reconnect with BD17 (DH told her we actually don’t ever talk about her).

I created a fake social media account and verbally attacked her and threatened her over the whole “graduation photo gate” and she was terrified for her life (DH laughed and told her that if I had wanted to say anything to her or Meth Mouth about that I would have, true and I did on my social media that they are blocked from).

She was so sad at her baby shower because she had so little family there and baby daddy had so many family and friends there (you mean your Meth Mom, your brother and ex pervert Step Father…yeah that’s the only family you ever told us mattered, and those are the only photos you posted at the baby shower, none of you baby daddy or his family or friends).

Our family friends have a vendetta against her and Meth Mouth and their daughters bully her (seems to me Spawn was the one calling family friends daughter a c@nt and saying she would beat her a$$ if she saw her in public, but okay).

She never wanted to write those letters to us a few years ago she was coerced by her ex boy toy at the time (trust me I never wanted to read it).

Her baby daddy didn’t want her to meet with DH because he feels it’s useless (smart guy, it is useless because your baby mama is a selfish immature delusional Spawn).

She verbally bashed Meth Mouth and called her insane (yet on social media her Meth Mom is the BEST Grammy out there!).

She was hurt by DH about her graduation (DH pointed out she didn’t give him a ticket like she said she would and he did attend and then left, and when she sobbed about it on social media and got called out she blocked everybody).  Spawn did not like this and got pissed he brought up family friend who called her out because they are out to get her (delusions ala Meth Mouth).

If you are still with me here it what I consider the shining gem of this whole dinner.

Baby Daddies business is not doing well in this economy (he’s a handyman), so Spawn is going to open a business and have baby daddy be her employee (poor dumb baby daddy is going to get screwed)…..this business is going to entail cleaning solar panels….in a small town….I mean yeah that’s a capital venture if ever I saw one.

DH said they left it that they had said their peace to one another and not really sure where or if it will go from here.


WalkOnBy's picture

Oh myyyy....that was quite some dinner, huh?  

Keep BD away from Spawn - nothing good will come from that.

advice.only2's picture

BD17 said that she has no interest in seeing Spawn, and if she did it would more be to ask her if she still likes to throw used tampons under peoples beds as a surprise.  

Harry's picture

Disengage from all of it.  Never going to ever make a normal point. She just saids what that person wants to here. " It's not my fault ". The cat made me do it 

advice.only2's picture

I agree, Spawn is the perpectual victim, she always will be in her own mind.  It was just entertaining to have her revise history to ensure she remains the victim.

JRI's picture

Part 1:  I need BD17 to babysit

Part 2:  I need money to start up my business.

advice.only2's picture

Lol yes, I'm sure she thought she was pitching this amazing opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this business before it takes off and they make millions, either that or she was hoping he would sign up and be a customer (family discount not included of course).

Rumplestiltskin's picture

What a fun dinner that must have been for your DH lol. I bet he can't wait for the next one. Keep disengaging. A few more dinners like that and he will start making excuses not to attend. 

Shieldmaiden's picture

Wow, Spawn sounds like my oldest SD21. Especially when she says she was "just a kid," and how nothing is ever her fault. She is the victim - always. (Barf).


Rags's picture

small town that likely has next to zero installed solar systems.

As for her great business idea... my MIL had one of those too.  She retired from a State job then  cashed out her entire retirement account after 20 years to stay home and raise SIL.  She started a business as a Personal Assitant in a small town with an average household income of about $30K.  He business was errands,  grocery shop, pick up and drop off kids, coordinate services through repair companies, pay bills, etc, etc, etc...

2yrs and her entire retirement was gone. Rather than get another job, she was sure she could clip coupons and save enough by couponing to more than replace her State income.  Dozens of file boxes of coupons all sorted, classified and colated by type, store, date, etc.. were stacked around my IL's home for more than a decade. All worthless and expired.  No one could touch them, no one could mention the Personal Assistant business, it was all my IL clan's family Emporer's New Clothes self delusional fairy tale.

After the failure of the PA business, couponing, and the blowing of $Tens-of-thousands of State retirement  MIL's next sure fire path to financial security was taking her entire pay check (she finally returned to work for just above minimum wage at the local paper) to the local Tribal Casino to win her retirement.  Nearly every Cent she made for well over 10yrs went into slot machines.

Small business people are incredible.  They are the largest employer in the country. But, the failure rate of small business is exceptionally high. When I started my company the recommended capital beyond the start up or purchase costs was to have 5yrs of operating capital to supplement revenue gaps to allow for the business to stablize and the owners to effectively manage the business.  We did okay, I made a decent living, and sold my share of the company to my partners which I used to complete Engineering school.  I sold after 6yrs. The company shut down operations 13yrs after we started the business. The primary asset when the company folded was a lease hold for the flagship location and some aged estaurant equipment.  My business partners got far less return on those assets  as a % of their ownership than I did years earlier.  No great plan on my part. I was just done.

Certainly some small business owners succeed even when starting their business on a shoe string.

Good luck to your Skid.


advice.only2's picture

Wow that is crazy, yeah Spawn is a pipe dream chaser, whatever it takes to not work a regular job and get rich quick.  Meth Mouth was very into MLMs before she turned to drugs. 

Rags's picture

 in a market that is not permiated.

I have been approached periodically by MLM marketers since I was in my early 20s.

Nope.  I learned in my early 20s that small business is incredibly engergizing but a ton more work than I was willing to commit my life to.  I have done well working for some flagship companies in a number of industries.  Not always, but for the most part.

I respect those who are entrepreneurs and have that level of drive.

I do not.  I would much rather help business do what they do better, faster, cheaper, than build a business of my own.

Maybe in my next life.


Harry's picture

ONE.   No one is talking to her.  No friends, they all ran for the hills.  Now needs someone to hang with.  Being invited to party, BBQ.  Christmas,   Go to the movies.  
TWO.  going to need money. Most likely always needs money.  Looking for someone ,her BF, to support her.  Needs New car. Repairs   It uster work hoping to get to work again.  Disengage 

advice.only2's picture

Right and in our town people are cheap!  They would just clean it themselves, oh well anything to try and get rich quick and not have to work an actual job.

Rags's picture

sprayer reservoir won't get done in a few minutes for a few dollars.

A great idea is only a great idea in the right location. Location, location, location covers far more than just where to put a store front.  A service business needs to serve a market. Small business tends to be local in nature. 

Cleaning solar panels as a business.... requires a locale with a large number of installed solar systems.  

A few hours driving around will tell if there is any indication of a market available and d


SMto3's picture

Would I let my BD around her. You're absolutely right, she's most likely a covert narcissist, so will always be a perpetual victim. She's also probably actively searching for a sitter. The thing these stepkids don't understand is that treating SMs like trash only makes it harder on them in the long run, especially when they have horrid BMs. They don't get how much they will want your help in life, and how much they won't get it for having been so drama provoking. 

advice.only2's picture

The irony is Spawn shared a story with DH about how she was hurt by BD when she saw her out in town one times years ago and BD didn’t want to go to her.  She told DH she cried and asked if we were bad mouthing her to BD.  Ironic Spawn you bad mouth us, treat us like crap, have made me and your father cry, but you could care less.

Also she is totally a NARC, her social media is all about her and photos of her, and splashed in there now are a few of her bio and stepkids.