Sudden Changes...Too good to be Real
ok so just a couple of weeks ago I told DH I was disengaging and now suddenly, he is being nice, 14 year SD is kindly swapping rooms with us and he is going to counseling with me tomorrow.
I have noticed a pattern that when he sees me and his daughters together he finds a way to make us each go out separate ways. I also feel that he is hiding something huge from me because he shows all the signs. Tried to call TMobile to get the balance to add to my list of things to pay...can’t access my mobile app and the girl informs me that I am not listed as authorized. Something else is going on and I think he was playing the girls against me so I can focus on that being the issue. So this may be my last post here as I think there is a fidelity issue and I have Zero tolerance for that.
Thanks for reading.
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Maybe he’s decided he wants
Maybe he’s decided he wants to break up with you.
Were you an authorized user of the account before? If not then it doesn’t matter that you aren’t now because it doesn’t mean anything.
But yes my ex-husband changed passwords so I wasn’t able to pay his loans out of our account. It was a part of our break up and a very clear sign that he was done with things.
Yes I was on the account as
Yes I was on the account as authorized.