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thefunmommy's Blog


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We're debating putting SD9 in counseling.
BM is very unstable. Not necessarily mentally, but in just about every other aspect of life. Since I've been involved in the skids lives, about 5.5 years, BM has had 6 different jobs, numerous periods of unemployment, 5 different live-in BFs, 7 different homes. She left for 6 month to live 2 hours away with the guy she'd dated for 3 weeks, only saw the kids EOWe. The kids are only a priority for her when it's convenient (no BF, family event, etc).

This just in...

thefunmommy's picture

BM will be taking the skids on Mother's Day. For all of 3 hours. Because heaven forbid she actually care for her own kids.
She's taking them to a BM family cookout. Picking them up 10 minutes before it starts and dropping them off as soon as it ends. I'm seriously considering not being here for her to drop them off to. As it stands, she has them for 4 hours 4 days a week. Is it really that hard to take your children for more than 3-4 hours at a time?

No, Not happening anymore

thefunmommy's picture

It took me over a year to get DH to stop letting the skids sleep in our bed. SD6 will STILL sneak in sometimes. So now, SD is trying to wiggle around the rule by sleeping on the floor NEXT to the bed. I don't mind that... once in a while. Nightmares or (legitimate)illness, go ahead. But EVERY NIGHT IS NOT HAPPENING. Last night was the SIXTH night IN A ROW that SD has ended up in DH's and my bedroom. And she lies down right in front of the door.

Maybe now he'll actually learn...

thefunmommy's picture

My last blog I posted about throwing away skids' (mostly SS7) overabundant toys. It felt awesome to clear out clutter. Unfortunately, I learned today that it was just the tip of the iceberg...
For THREE WEEKS both DH and I have been trying to get SS7 to clean his room. SD5, who is normally the drama queen about this, has cleaned/tidied up her room FOUR times in this same 3 weeks. SS7 is almost out of clean clothes. His room remained a mess. Finally DH and I gave up and decided to clean it.

Catharsis = Throwing away kids' crap

thefunmommy's picture

We live in a small house. It's always a mess. DH says he's tired of it but never does anything to help it. Skids' rooms are messy, their stuff is all over the house. Getting them to clean it (even just pick up a few things) is an all-day struggle. SS7 has been told countless times over the past TWO WEEKS to clean his room. Last Saturday, he lost his toys (he still gets to clean up trash, dirty clothes, etc). Today, many of them are finding new homes, mostly in the trash can.

Dear DH, please make up your mind

thefunmommy's picture

More of a vent than anything else. Apparently DH can't decide whether or not I have responsibilities to the skids.
It's EXPECTED that I clean up after, well, everyone, skids included. It's expected that I make dinners. It's expected that I have the skids Saturday morning/afternoon while DH works-during that time it's expected that they are fed breakfast and lunch, homework done, rooms cleaned, and they are entertained. It's expected that I play with, help, and entertain the skids as necessary.

No motivation

thefunmommy's picture

As I'm sitting here typing this, I'm looking around the house realizing that it's a disaster. And I have absolutely no motivation to clean it. I have no idea why. Not that in general I love cleaning, but I'll go around and tidy up, or do dishes, whatever if it needs doing. I think maybe I'm realizing that it ALWAYS needs doing. And I'm the ONLY one ever doing it. DH doesn't clean, save the bi-monthly cleaning frenzy he'll go on. They usually last about 2-3 hours, so not much gets done even then.

Learn what it means to be responsible for your kids, BM (language, severely pissed off)

thefunmommy's picture

I'll start off by saying DH works every Saturday 4am-2pm. I watch the skids while he's at work. I volunteered to do it, and I *generally* don't mind doing it. HOWEVER.
I have friends in a band. They're playing Friday night. 2 weeks ago BM said she was taking the skids Saturday. I had DH ask if she'd take them Friday night so he and I could go see our friends play.
She replies with she'd *maybe* take the kids Saturday. She has PLANS for the weekend.
