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Just to get it out there...

thefunmommy's picture

I became part of two blended families around the same time (lucky me, right? lol). The first, the main reason I'm here. DH, our DD, myself, SD6 and SS8. The second, my mother, stepdad, and twin stepbros.
I don't talk much to anyone about my "second" stepfamily. It has little affect on my day-to-day life. For the last two years my mom has lived a few miles away from me, and my stepfamily has lived in another state. There were/are many reasons why living together hasn't been possible. Neither adult has been able to find a job in the other's state. My stepbros were in highschool (graduating tomorrow) and their mother lives in theirstate.
I know my mother has her issues with dealing with the boys, and her DH's parenting/issues. More activity-centered than behavior. Being seniors, the boys have had concerts, proms, college visits, graduation. All of which my stepdad wants to attend.
We have it easier than most, Mom and her DH have been friends since childhood, the twins and I have known each other and the parents our entire lives. Stepdad has been through counseling, he knew the term "disney dad" and works to NOT be one. He slips up from time to time, but even nuclear families have that issue sometimes.
We all put effort into making this work. I've gotten cards/small gifts from stepdad for all occasions (Christmas, birthday, BD's birthday), and some from the twins as well (which is surprising coming from 18-yr-old boys, lol). Mom and I reciprocate, though my mom tends to buy most things that need buying and have me sign my name on them.
Currently Mom and her DH's plan is for her DH to move here in January, with or without a job. Both boys are going away to college in the fall, but I still have NO idea how this is going to work out. I don't know what kind of resentment is going to crop up from being far away from the twins. I don't know how holidays are going to work-it's bad enough trying to balance MY family's traditions with my DH's family and the BM.
There's no real point to this blog, other than to kind of get it out there, since it's not something I talk about much.
So far there aren't many problems. I just don't know what's going to happen once things start changing. I don't know if the twins work, if there are going to be money issues, what kind of other difficulties are going to pop up, if any. Who knows, maybe I'll be on here venting about two stepfamilies at some point.