Rose_Pedal's Blog
Same issues creeping back....
Whoever quoted "Old Habits Die Hard" really hit the nail on the head.
For a while I felt my DH was doing a lot better with SD(13) when it came to her entitled, lazy attitude and lack of respect/boundaries but lately its been the same story and I'm so frustrated. I'm grieving the fresh loss of my mother so that just makes it all worse.
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I’m shattered.
My mom passed away.
As some of you may know if you've followed my blogs, my mother has been very ill and I've been caregiving for her full-time since March.
This doesn't even feel real. My mind body and soul feel like mush. I don't know how to go on without her.
I want to share her obituary I wrote (altered names) to give even a glimpse into the kind of person she was because I need to keep her kindness and love alive.
"T, a pillar of kindness and generosity, passed away on 11/17/24 leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who knew her.
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Disgusted-Not Step-Related-Long post.
Sorry for the non-step related post but I have to get this off my chest and besides my husband I have no one I can share this with because of the nature of the situation.
As some of you know from my past blogs my mom is very ill. We have almost lost her several times this past year. I caregive for her 24/7 after moving her into our home back in March. (Mind you I just had my brand new baby in May and I also work.)
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New baby, MIL and SD.
Since my son has been born 3 weeks ago (and before, for that matter) my MIL will NOT STOP talking about my SD12 and focusing every single conversation around her.
It is honestly one of the reasons I’ve been avoiding her coming over because from the moment she walks in the door until the moment she leaves she’s talking about SD12 non-stop.
Even when they came up to the hospital, not only was she going on about SD to us but she was telling everyone there about her, even the nurse staff and doctors that were coming in and out of the room, like they give a shit.
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Well well well…
If it isn't the consequences of her own actions coming back to bite her in the ass.
Not that I am celebrating in somebody's misery, because I don't do that in general and that is not what this is about, but I certainly am glad that my SD 12 has finally had to face a real consequence of her own actions regarding her irresponsibility and inability to listen to what she has been told to do as well as be held accountable to follow through with something.
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Just sad and disappointed.
I've been trying SO hard to keep a more positive attitude regarding SD12 lately and not letting her behavior effect me and this morning it's come crashing down and I'm just sad and dissapointed so this is just a vent post.
Its baby shower day! I'm so happy.....then...... SD12 drama happens and now I'm grasping at whatever I can right now to keep a positive attitude and put this out of my mind so I can enjoy my shower and the family and friends that will be there that WANT to be there for me and my family.
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Embarrassed by SD’s behavior last night.
I was so embarrassed by my SD’s(12) behavior last night. I’m super nervous because lately her attitude has been getting bad.
We attended a local benefit dinner for a family friend with Stage 4 Colon Cancer after we went to my nephew’s basketball game.
We even let her stay the night at a friends house for the night and we picked her up from there to head to the game so she could have her fun with her friend.
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Acting ‘dumb’ on purpose
Anyone else have Skids that "act dumb" on purpose? My SD12 does this and it drives me insane.
I think she does this because she thinks it's funny and cute and people will laugh at/with her and she soaks it allllllllll in everytime. Literally anything that will give her attention she will do, even if it's negative.
She purposely mispronounces words and if she didn't get the reaction she is looking for she'll continue to do it over and over until someone points it out.
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Your Kids Should Not Be The Most Important
Have any of you ever read this incredible article by John Rosemond called "Your Kids Should Not Be The Most Important In The Family"
I saw it circulating Facebook and had to share!
"I recently asked a married couple who have three kids, none of whom are yet teens, "Who are the most important people in your family?"
Like all good moms and dads of this brave new millennium, they answered,
"Our kids!"
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Never felt more hopeless.
Not step related. Just need extra support right now.
I feel like a broken shell of a person tonight. As some may know from my past blogs, my mom has been fighting a wicked battle with Kidney Cancer that has spread to her lungs and has had both kidneys removed and has been 100% reliant on dialysis since April of 2023.
The cancer on her lungs is growing. At this rate, our plan of giving her one of my kidneys is looking less and less likley since it's becoming impossible for her to stay cancer free long enough for them to consider her a candidate for transplant.
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