Of course you're a great mother (NOT!!!)
After seeing her children for a whopping 6 days last summer, BM has told us that she is going to see them for…wait for it…5 days this summer. Yes ladies and gentlemen, 5 days is what she can spare for SS8 & SD7! Apparently, she is the ONLY leasing consultant at a HUGE apartment complex and there is NO WAY that the position she has held for 3 weeks can be covered. She’s rocking it out I tell ya…a total of 11 days in 4 years…ah the joys of motherhood.
The Skids have called her on her crappiness which both FDH & I have giggled about…she has NO IDEA what she’s in for! This is their most recent skype convo discussing the trip…
BM: HI MY BABIES, I am SOOO excited about our trip because mommy misses you oh so very much!
SS: Yeah, we’re excited too…
BM: Mommy and BF are going to take you to the ALLIGATOR FARM and to the JAPANESE GARDENS and guess what else??
SD: DISNEY…you said that Florida residents even get a DISCOUNT!!!
BM: Ummm…no babies, mommy and BF will take you to the LIBRARY!!! Isn’t that just TOO EXCITING??
SS: Oh…ok, I like Merlin Books! Can we read Merlin books at your library?
BM: Ummm…huh? Whatever SS, whatever you want. You need to tell mommy if mommy does something you don’t like, OK?
SD: Like when you sent the girls toy for SS? We didn’t like that very much! He told you he likes Bakugan and you sent Squinkies!! I don’t even like Squinkies and I’m a girl! We told you that but you still sent them.
BM: Oh…you don’t like them?
SD: No mom…because I like LPS…SS is a boy…he likes Bakugan.
BM: Doesn’t the trip sound AWSOME SS???
SS: You said we were going to Disney though mom, we would like Disney. You said that because you just moved there that we would go for a day…(starts looking at FDH and gets tears in his eyes)…I don’t get it.
SD: The library is good to SS, it’s ok…(says this while looking at me from across the room shrugging her shoulders)
BM: OK my babies, mommy has to go now, mommy loves you and misses her babies OH SO MUCH!
Skids: Bye mom.
Yes…the woman does indeed refer to herself as MOMMY and the Skids as BABIES…yes, she did tell Skids she just moved to FL so she gets a discount at Disney and yes, she told them she would be taking them for a day.
In order to facilitate Disney with their BM (she's just SOOOO broke and will need the money to take them to Disney...she tells FDH AFTER promising them), FDH & I had a road trip planned in which we would be going to Orlando to see his friend…this is where BM will be meeting us…figuring she would take them to Disney, then take them the 3 hrs back to her town…but no, she is picking them up, driving the 3 hrs then 3 hrs again 5 days later. This is not including the 16 hrs they will be in the car going from our home state to FL in the first place. Bearing in mind, we did this so she had no flights to pay for...the only transport to be paid is GAS!
FDH & I will be taking them to Disney just to make the car rides worth it!
UGH…she makes me sick!
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By using the word
By using the word overachiever though, you'd think she'd acheive SOMETHING aside from upsetting a couple of little kids who just want her time!
SS has PDD & gets hooked on what he is told, so...we are going to have to work hard to get him over this.
Honestly, FDH & I had many issues over him covering for BM and actually lying to the Skids (even bought their christmas gifts from her and told them she sent them!).
As sad as this whole fiasco is, I prefer that they know the kiddie version of the truth...otherwise they will blame FDH & I down the road for lying to them.
These are the cards they have been delt, it is time to start learning to work with those cards & do the best we can.
Pathetic. . . but is that fad
Pathetic. . . but is that fad "Bakugan" still around? Overpriced plastic trinkets???
Please say it ain't so!! Prince Hygiene used to just step on them by "accident" and break the hell out of them.
Yes, Bakugan is still around
Yes, Bakugan is still around and bigger than ever. SS has learned that if he leaves them around, they get taken
FDH & I were tired of hurting our feet on the stinking things 
I did tell him that maybe his mom just doesn't know what Bakugan is & he should ask her to take him to the store so he can show her during their trip
I"m such a nerd that I would
I"m such a nerd that I would LOVE a trip to the library or a museum, etc.
It was a treat when we got to go to the public library; partly due to the cult I was raised in which prohibited literature outside of the cult.
But this BM is totally out of touch and she thinks she's doing the skids a BIIIIIG fav by showing up.
I think she's expecting her itty bitty babykins to roll out the red carpet for her so that her royal uterus will be completely comfortable.
The Skids go to the library
The Skids go to the library ALL THE TIME during the summer...it's a great way to get them out of the house without spending any money
apparently, she used to take them to story time at the library...you know...when they were toddlers.
Out of touch is exactly where she's at & has been for quite awhile.
Poor Skids.
Don't you love the glorified
Don't you love the glorified underachiever BM? They don't do SHAT yet they swear they're Mom of the Year and every day should be Mother's Day. I have to deal that with a syrupy, cloying BM too. She makes me want to vomit.
My only salvation is that she
My only salvation is that she lives 4 states away & I haven't met or spoken to her yet
so I don't have to deal with her crap unless FDH or the Skids share.
Is there like a handbook for
Is there like a handbook for POS BMs that has "promise Disney" as a how-to chapter?! Our BM promised to take the skids about 10 years ago when they were driving down to visit her father in Florida. I knew it wasn't going to happen- i knew how expensive the tickets were. But up till the day they left, she was still saying it, and told them they'd go Tuesday, after they arrived in Florida.
Needless to say, they only swam at the neighbors pool and brought back fake Disney shirts from a vendor. It was a big deal for me, years later, when I was the one who got to take them to disney!!!
I get enraged when "parents"
I get enraged when "parents" promise things to their kids and don't follow through. XH did this to DD a couple of years ago - promised her a trip to Disney (we live in the NE) for MONTHS and then didn't follow through.
I might only take her to the library and the museums and the movies and Girl Scout and whatehaveyou - but I follow through. Because that's what counts.