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Comforting a crying SD once again because of POS BM

TickedOff's picture

All their lives BM has been disappointing them but this is the worst thing I think she has ever said. SD15 got a call from the prison last night and she was talking to BM and I'm walking up the stairs with her new jacket and I hear her sobbing to the point she was losing her breath. I open her door and hear “mom I'm sorry please don't say that". I'm asking her if she is ok and she hands me the phone. I wouldn't take it because I don't want to talk to BM but SD is begging me to please talk to her. I answered asking BM what’s going on. In the most nasty tone you can imagine she says " Don't bring her to visits, I won't be calling anymore from now on I have one daughter you can have her, F*ck you and her and her daddy"! And she hangs up. I'm thinking what in the hellllllll :jawdrop: .

I hold SD and try to get her to calm down for the baby. She told me BM called to tell her happy birthday. From what SD15 said and what I can piece together this may have been how the call went.


BM: Hi honey happy birthday

SD: Mom my birthday isn't until Saturday

BM: You don't have to be a little b*itch its called thank you

SD: Thanks

BM: That wasn't sincere and you know it

SD: Thanks

BM: It’s called thank you, not thanks not thannnnnnnks but thank you

SD: thank you mom

BM: You don't appreciate sh*t, whatever so when I get out you and the baby are going to come stay with me and my girl right

SD: What girl?

BM: uuuuuuuh we need to discuss that another time but I met someone here and I would like you to meet her sometime

SD: Well mom I kind of want to stay with dad and ticked and once I graduate high school they are going to help me enroll in college and help me get a place as long as I prove myself and show I'm a good student and responsible mom.

BM: Bullsh*t why would you pick them over me. You know what I don't want to talk to you again I don't want you coming to see me I don't want you sending me letters or nothing.

SD: Mom please don't mom please I'm sorry mom please don't say that mum

BM: Hang up the phone and go to your daddy and ticked that's all you have now I only got one daughter. You’re nothing to me!

SD: Mom please! Mom don’t say that!

And that is when I entered the room. It’s been years of the same BS her yanking them around on a chain one moment she loves them more than life the next she is abandoning them or letting them down over and over. But this was just mean and awful. As usual I'm here picking up the pieces and wiping the tears. I really just want karma to bite that A** like no tomorrow. Who says that to their own flesh and blood?


overworkedmom's picture

What a horrible, horrible human being! Hug SD tight and tell her that she is safe with you and your DH.

Tuff Noogies's picture

poor girl Sad

its a terribly painful lesson, but she will come to understand that you cant choose your relatives, but you can choose you family. blood means your related, but loyalty means family. i'm so glad she's got you guys.

just.his.wife's picture

Call the prison, file a complaint of verbal and psychological abuse vs the kid during the call.

All the calls are recorded. They should yank her phone privileges so at least the kid won't have to hear that anytime in the near future.

misSTEP's picture

Very very good idea. No person should be subjected to that kind of abuse, much less from their own PARENT.