How to manage SD20 consistent disrespect
I am running out of patience and forgiveness when it comes to SD20 consistently disrespecting me in my home. I am very much a non confrontational person and my caring and forgiving nature sadly has being taken advantage of too many times. I don't know how to break the cycle anymore.
In the 6 years I've been sharing a home with SO and his 2 kids now SS14 and SD20, none of them ever initiate a conversation with me or just a greeting. SS at least doesn't play any power game and replies when being talked to.
My step son hurt me tonight and I’m FURIOUS!
I have been with my husband for over 6 years, married for 2. The kid (16 year old) that we are speaking of was abandoned by his blood mom 12 years ago, he has anger issues and hates most women. He is constantly starting crap with me so that Dad and I fight. He has some sick obsession trying to get rid of me! I’ve never put my hands on him, but he is disciplined mainly by me and loses priveledges when he acts ridiculous!