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June's picture

God forbid we ever break the mold & do something different. Every year since my 2 SS were 5 & 9 BM has to have them to herself on Christmas Eve for her open house & every Christmas they come over our house at 9:00-10:00am & stay until AT LEAST 6 or 7 pm. They are now 15 & 19. The 19 year old drops by, rips open gifts and leaves. So basically it's just the 15 yo. This year it's our weekend to have them the sat & sun before Christmas. We got SS15 a wii u & also on the Sunday before Christmas we are have a get together with DH's side of the family at my MIL's house. So since we both have to go to work the day after Christmas we thought for once, it might be nice to have a QT cozy Christmas together with no kids & celebrate Christmas with them the weekend before. Also since SS15 has a wii u we figured it might be nice for him to play with it over the course of the weekend instead of just on one day on christmas then have to wait until the next time hes over. DH brought this up to BM and she totally shot him down & said no, we'll do what we always do, of course they will see you on Christmas !! Ugh. I guess DH didn't know what to say bc he came home & said we'll be getting them on Christmas like always do. BM just like to spend the day with her hubby & doesn't want to give it up. But now that the kids are older I think it should be switched up a little. I'm so annoyed that its her way every damn holiday. I guess DH & I get no QT this holiday season, once again.


purpledaisies's picture

If u have them sat and sun before just do what u want that weekend. BM can't stop u. Then just don't keep them up on Xmas day. Easy.
Who says u can't ?? Bm? Really? Just do what u want.