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Who's house is better game

June's picture

God how I have grown to hate parts of Chrustmas. Use to be one if my absolute favorite holidays. Over the past 8-9 years I've learned that it's become a game with the skids who's house is better. They really make out well bc BM has open house on x-mass eve & all relatives ( including their stepdads family) and everyone gives them gifts. Then on chrustmas they get gifts from BM & stepdad, then come over to our house & get our gifts. Must be nice. Every year I have to hear about what great gift aunt so and so got them, or what mom got them. They always find the perfect time to say it too, like when they are opening up one if our gifts. Without acknowledging what we got , they say, oh did I tell u I got such & such??! This year SS14 dud not give us a list & we ask him multiple times if he might like certain items & he just said na, I don't really want / need that. So come to find out he gave the list to his mom & her family. The entire list. So we gave an educated guess on items he may like and the rest of the money went to gift cards. Well he didn't give a crap about the gifts we bought but dud say thank you and all that but just left them on the floor and proceeded to pace the house & ask when we was going back home. Sorry if we didn't get you a new flat screen tv like your mom did. I refuse to play this game any more. Also so nice how the skids came over with 1 little gift for me & 10 for DH. The one gift was from SS18 and DH told him to get it SS14 didn't even get me a gift but just put his name on one. Also I do all the shopping with SS14 for DH for b-days & fathers day. But for some reason he wanted to go with mommy to get gift for DH. I still don't understand why SS18 who had a job & car can't take him shipping for dad. I really don't like DH's ex wife to be buying gifts for him. But whatever. Hopefully skids will b leaving soon & DH and I can have a nice christmas together - what's left of it anyway.


sonja's picture

Gah what a crap day! I go through the same ordeal with one skid and she's only 4! I keep telling fdh to tell bm that she does not need to send food and stop sending toys over here! Everytime she comes a new toy does too! Why did we buy anything??

I get so sick of the toys! Everything's better at bms, we know!

Lalena75's picture

I saw the who's house is better game coming a mile away from both my and my SO's ex's. I played it this way. Told both my kids that if they aren't happy with what I'm able to manage for Christmas to remember I put a roof over their heads, food in their bellies, and clothes on their backs everyday, and I let SO know if his kids do the "well mommy/grandma/whoever got us xyz" to say "well that was nice of them to give you that these stay here anyway." Guess what everyone was happy with what they got and we only heard the I got from so and so twice. All gifts were liked and kids were grateful.

Lalena75's picture

Oh and as for the not giving a list or saying what they want do what my mom did one year, my brother tried to play up what dad was getting him for Christmas to attempt to get something better from my mom, she didn't buy him anything but socks, and when he pouted she said "well I figured you were getting all this great Christmas from your dad how could I compete and why would I want to." None of us kids played that game again.

bestwife's picture

My SS24 is not here yet. He is going to be SO disappointed. I know he is only coming because he thinks he is getting money.

Well his LSU/AL football weekend (this fall not the one coming up) was his Christmas present - how soon they forget. He is getting a stocking with candy and a $15 gift card to a sandwich shop. If he says ONE word he will get his ass handed to him in a basket. We spend $100s of dollars on him for that trip.

We spent all day with my family. My family members are so wonderful that even some steps from ex marriages choose to attend. We are nice people not idiots.