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Ugggg....more hockey

lil_teapot's picture

I am so sick of hockey...I really am just sick of it beyond words. They play it 24/7...they dream about it...when they're not playing it they have mini sticks to play on the floor with tiny tiny pucks and nets. Or they're out in the street playing it. Plus all their games and the travel hockey.

So, H tells me Monday they boys are trying out for *yet another* team. Besides their local teams and their travel team, they want to try out for this school team where they get to play with kids from the higher grades. I'm sure it's a big deal to them.
So, H tells me that it's the school team so the school takes them on buses, know, how school activities are that WE don't have to pay for.

So anyways, the boys both make it(yay for them!!) and I'm proud. But then I hear from SS12 that there's no bus and we've got to drive them. This is in addition to all the driving for the other team stuff. So I told H that he's on his own as far as getting them there cuz I'm thru.

H had told me that the school was responsible, but now he claims he didn't say that cuz he wasn't ever sure. I'm like, "Oh, so you never bothered to even check into this thing before you let them get all involved?!" So he's backpeddling and trying to think of a new lie and I'm like, "'ve been caught in a lie, deal." And I said, "You know what, I'm just tired of all the drama. I'm not even mad. I'm not going to bother with any complaining because it doesn't change anything. I'll just go along and tow the line. I'm not miserable or unhappy...I'll just do exactly what you want and never complain. In fact I'm not complaining now. It'll be good for you to take the boys all over the state and spend *even less* time at home and have even less time for us. Just don't complain to me because I don't want to hear it."
So he tries to say he wants to talk, but because our talks always end up in drama with him really mad and me crying, I say I'm done talking because we obviously suck at it so lets not. I said I would rather we didn't talk about anything anymore. We can just do whatever it is we do and if I'm hurt or upset or whatever, i'll just stuff it all down inside and hold it in because that seems to be what you want. I'll just tow the line and shut up.

H didn't know what to do,so he turns into me trying to make things right and talk about it and blah blah blah...but I was in no mood to hear. I said that I'll just suffer in silence and that will be that.

He texted me after I went to work to tell me how nice I look today especially.LOL I made a deliberate effort today (not that I don't everyday, but today a little more) to look sexy...extra sexy. I wanted to remind him w/o saying a word, that I can choose to be with him but I can also choose to be w/o him...I could easily find someone else and I wanted him to be reminded of that in a subtle

I think he got the hint. I hope he'll try to communicate better now that he knows I'm not going to be the psychologist of the relationship and always try to fix things. It's time he fixes things because it seems that he keeps screwing them up.

Maybe I was a little bad to play these kinds of games with him...not communicating, letting him worry about me getting all sexed up and going out in public(LOL), but I feel I had to do it because he completely takes me for granted. I mean, we had those day-long dramas over us not spending enough "time together" according to him, and now he allows this so that there's even less time together...unless I tow the line and get into hockey and go to the games with him, which of course means up giving up things I want to do and having couples time doing things I want to do togeter. I don't know. I just feel like I'm overworked, overstressed and underappreciated...and I feel completely alone all the time because he's living his life throug the kids and I'm left alone. I realize I could go too, but I want a life that's more than kid hockey. I don't think that's too much to ask...
Thanks for listening to my long vent. Hugs to all.


northernsiren's picture

I completely understand, gone are the days when schools transported the teams, and I'd really love to know why, though I have little doubt it has to do with money and liability.

Im sorry you are going through this, and I really do hope that he is ready to make a better effort w/ communicating. YOU alone cant effectively play psychologist in your relationship; i tried that with my last relationship and just ended up all the more hurt b/c I was the only one observing the "rules of communication engagement" and he just said and did whatever he wanted. All our disagreements ended just where you describe yours, me crying, him angry. Not good.

I do hope it gets better for you!

from my SD, the reason we're going through it all....:
o, btw, my dad and *northernsiren* are the best family a girl(and boy) could ever hope for. Thank you for helpping me through these hard times.

lil_teapot's picture

i do what I want and he plays shrink to try to fix things. frankly i've gotten to the point of complete exhaustion trying to fix everything and everyone--I've always been like that, the fixer, little miss perfectionist trying to fix everyone's hurts...
but now I'm just worn out from it and think today's my day to be the screw up. maybe he can see how draining it is to play fair with somebody who does what they want...maybe that will get him to see...

I'm so happy what your tag line said at the bottom...what an amazing compliment from your SD. Its things like that that make it all worthwhile. hugs Smile

KittyKat's picture

Geez, what's your zodiac sign? I swear we're living
the same life right now.

That's how I feel about my H right now; we cannot
communicate on ANYTHING. And I made it clear to him,
too, that I CAN live without him. (Unfortunately,
I didn't get a nice H is too cheap to pay
for text messaging :D!)

As long as it's HIS way, all is well. The minute I
say NO, I don't THINK THIS IS RIGHT, then I'm called
controlling and his lastest a "dictator".

I'm tired of "analyzing" and fixing things, too.
Time to worry about ME for awhile!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

Colorado Girl's picture

We have 5 kids between the two of us...winter is the only season off (thank goodness, no interest in hockey) Smile

Soccer (BS9 and SD9) in the spring and fall, Track (SD11) in the fall, Baseball (BS12 and BS9) in the spring, summer, and fall; Softball (SD11, SD9, and SD6)in the summer, Basketball (BS12) in the February and Gymnastics (SD9) in the fall.

It gets tiring...not gonna lie.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley