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So many stupid questions.

SisterNeko's picture

It seems this week ss7 has been just full of questions and concerns that I don't want to answer. Mainly because I don't know how at his age to answer them correctly. They range from serious to odd to heart breaking.

A few of them:

At dinner one night this week we told ss7 that we were doing to Las Vegas next week for our honeymoon. He wanted to know why he couldn't go. When we said it was just for adult he asked who was going to watch him. Um... Your mother it's her week. Oh yeah. Then he asked the same thing the next night.

Last night at bath time I told ss7 to be sure to wash his 'guy parts'. He asked me what 'girl parts' are called and how they are different from guy parts. I told him I would explain it when he was older. Meaning I will avoid that question completely Smile

Today he went over and asked the boys next door if he could play with them, he has asked them a few times and they always turn him down. So he came in sad and asked me why they won't play with him. While I have my theories on the matter I can't begin to explain it to him. I just told him that I can't make them play with him. Truth is ss7 is a little socially awkward and immature. BM refuses to admit it but he doesn't do well in school with his peers either. He gets picked on. I have seen Him with kids and I can see why they wouldn t want to play with him. He bounces from activities like crazy and does not do well with taking turns.

Just now my cat was on the floor and he asked me which one it was. I know they are both grey but one is like twice the size of the other and one has white. He just does not pay attention to the details. He has also asked me similar questions about photographs, if it was him or ss5, current photos mind u.

I want to help him I really do. I know people say there is no such thing as a stupid question but I tend to disagree.


SisterNeko's picture

we have been told by the therapist and his teacher that SS7 is 'behind' socially but BM refuses to see the light. She thinks he is perfectly normal and everything is fine, she also talks to him like he 2 so... you figure that one out.

I try to answer the questions nicely or ask him stuff in return. like when he asked me what cat it was - what cat does it look like?

Frustr8d1's picture

Oh, I totally agree there IS such thing as a stupid question! DH tells SD10 that all the time! SD asks questions like, "Did it rain last night? The sidewalk is wet." She asked this while we were walking on a block where the fkng sprinklers were on! Good God, SD wouldn't know enough to come in out of the actual rain.