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Reverse Toupee, Touche!

Queeny's picture

My ss10 lives with DH, BD1 and me fulltime since BM is dead. Ss's maternal family is going through hard times, which has brought a lot of attention to ss. The extra attention drives me bonkers because ss is smart and knows how to milk a situation. It has driven a serious wedge between DH and me because I now get less time with DH to compensate for all of ss's losses. (Please see "My Selfish Guilt" for an explanation.)
Ss is niether the cleanest nor well dressed child and hygiene is really important to me. He sweats A LOT, smells bad and he has SO much dirty hair on his head!!!! When he doesn't use shampoo (he thinks rinsing his hair is OK), it looks disgusting. Ss has a haircut that is supposed to be styled like Justin 'Beaver'. Well, ss is effing lazy;: he will wet down a comb with water and heavy styling gel and brush it all from the back of his head to the front...flat...with the comb streaks present. But it's just the top of his head, not the sides or the back that have gel or are wet. It drives me insane!!! He gets made fun of at school for it and complains to DH about how the other kids treat him poorly. I have shown ss multiple times how to style his hair and have discussed with DH that ss does not listen to me and that I think ss likes the attention he gets from styling his hair poorly. (DH goes to work super early and doesn't normally see ss ready for school. SS is also loving the "poor boy, he's just going through so much" at school. Puke!)
This morning, since DH and ss were home on vacation, DH got a glimpse at ss's before going out and about in public! Ss didn't go full-out, so it wasn't flat, but the comb streaks were present and the sides and back were still sticking out in several directions. (DH is hair is a touchy subject.) I told ss he would not go out in public with his hair looking the way it did and he said, "Dad said it looked fine." I told ss he looked like he was lazy and reminded him how his hair was to be styled. "Dad said I looked ok, so it's ok." I cringed, told ss I would be talking with his father and walked off swearing up a storm.
When I found DH, I started spewing I was so pissed. I asked him about ss's hair and he said, "well, he's 10 and doesn't know how to style it yet." Given my husband's sensitivity to hair, I blurted out "IT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING REVERSE TOUPEE AND I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH THAT AND A BALD MAN!" The minute I said it I knew I had probably crossed a line. DH calmly said, "Touche! I will talk with him." Problem solved! Sometimes, the small things can just make a day!!!

Orange County Ca's picture

Frankly I never cared one what what hair "style" my kid wore. I figures peer pressure would take care of things at school and people on the street would just dismiss anything as a "phase".

Caring what a step-kids hair looks like seems a monumental waste of time and useless problem creater. Why don't you just leave the kid alone - don't you see he's using it to create the drama he enjoys so much?

Give this serious consideration:

Queeny's picture

That's my point! He just sucks all the attention by making himself look ridiculous. If I can take that away, it's one less attention seeking event.

Orange County Ca's picture

I'm not sure what attention you wish to draw away from him and why. Do you mean that you're missing out on some attention? Or do you mean attention from you and his father in that negative attention is better than no attention.

If so then Jeeze. Again leave the kid alone. If you ignore his foolishness then you take all the power away from him. If someone does cartwheels and nobody applauds then the someone stops doing cartwheels. It's just too much trouble.

Queeny's picture

The hair and hygiene thing has always been an issue and battle in our house. Ss's inability to be clean and look presentable is a big deal to the husband and me. Glad you have the ability to let things like that go. It's just not that simple here.
Ss's ability to draw attention (whether negative or not) is difficult for me at this point because he gets most of the attention in the house from DH and I feel left out.
With this last argument/dispute, DH and I are on the same page about how ss should look in public. Ss no longer can bitch about what others say about his hair because he knows how it is to look. I feel as though DH has stopped a dispute, thus less attention will be brought to the hair topic.
I do hear what you are saying and am working to be more tolerant...but this forum is for me to vent, feel normal and get support. So...above is my vent!

Orange County Ca's picture

I live in Southern California which has a more lenient attitude towards kids in these stages. I do understand that parents feel how their kids look reflects on how they're doing as parents. I also realize that in some parts of the country people are less tolerant of being "different" and peer group pressure is greater than here where its more "live and let live".

If you consider this worth the hassle then by all means carry on it's just that I've found it better all around to save your energy for things that really matter in life. Sex, drugs but no not rock and roll but a definite yes on showering. That is where I would spend my time.

With that I'll step out of the discussion and leave you to do as you see fit. In the end you're the parent on the ground.

RedWingsFan's picture

Might be time to disengage. If he wants to be dirty, smelly and look like a flippin idiot and his father doesn't care - neither should you right?

Just simply refuse to go anywhere with them unless SS looks and smells halfway decent. When DH asks why, say that you'd be rather embarrassed to be seen with him as he is and he needs to practice good hygiene!

What *I* would say: "DH, your son smells, is dirty, his hair is greasy and gross and I refuse to go anywhere or be seen with him until he's CLEAN. Pretty sad that you have to tell a kid HIS age to take a damn shower!"