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drafting the Custody agreement document--

northernsiren's picture

So I've been helping F pull together documents for upcoming meeting with lawyer, under the idea that the more we do ahead of time the less we're doing at 250 an hour.

Filling out the "custody agreement" document, not like she's going to sign it or anything, but it's a starting point right? This became F's personal "wish list" for custody, and actually ended up being pretty fun to talk through for both of us....

The parties agree that:

The custody of the children shall be as follows:

Legal custody:
will be granted to father

Primary residence:
will be at father's residence

As to visitation with the children:
mother will have access to the child from 10:00 am on Saturdays-5:00 pm on Sundays

Who will pick up and drop off for visits:
mother is responsible for all pick ups and drop offs unless otherwise agreed to by both parties in advance.

Holiday and school vacation visits:
Holiday Schedule:
Thanksgiving vacation 10:00 am Thanksgiving Day-the following Sunday at 5:00 pm: Mother
Christmas eve day from 10:00 am-10:00 am Christmas morning: Mother

Christmas morning from 10:00am-10:00am the following day: Father

These holidays to switch each year.

Additional holidays:

Child's birthday, unless it falls on a scheduled visitation day: Father
Easter: Mother
Mother's Day: Mother
Father's Day 10:00 am-5:00pm: Father

February school vacation 5:30 pm Friday-following Sunday 5:00 pm: Mother
April school vacation 5:30 pm Friday-following Sunday at 5:00 pm: Father

Summer vacation:

Mother is entitled to two weeks of her choosing provided that the plans are made on or before 1/1 of each year. If arrangements are not made before this date, selected dates must be considered in light of any plans made by father for summer vacation or summer activities for child.

As to the health insurance and unreimbursed medical costs:

father will continue to carry health insurance for child at no additional cost to mother. Mother will be responsible for 50% of all unreimbursed medical expenses.

As to child care costs:
mother will not be responsible for any child care costs

I know I know, very unreasonable, but a girl's gotta dream right? And besides, it's a far better deal than F has right now, I'll tell ya that!


frustratedinMA's picture

ummm.. am I reading this right? you are going to waive CS?

I like it, unless you say no to CS... I would hope you would ask for $$. If for nothing else, to get all those things above as a bargaining chip.

And Father's day.. 10am on Father's Day ON.. dont return her at 5pm. keep her that whole day.

northernsiren's picture

is part of this relating to CS? I thought childcare would be daycare, no? She's 14, so hopefully that's not required at any point! LOL...

No at the outset, on some good advice here, we will be asking for CS. I am hoping that can be a point of compromise, since she doesnt' have a job and won't contribute anyway. If by some miracle we do get even 200 a month, it'll go into a savings for SD for college, we can support her just fine with out it....

Father's day is always on a Sunday, so she'd have to return SD at 5 anyway so no returning will be happening *gloat* but just for consistency sake, I wrote it that way...

5:00 is kind of arbitrary, as is 10:00, but I just want to know in terms of feeding her Sunday dinner that she'll be home in time...