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Sharing our week

Bayleigh_24's picture

Since you guys were WAY more helpful then I expected then I guess I will keep you guys posted on what the BM did last night....So let me start at the beginning so this makes sense... BM and DH broke up LAST Thnaksgiving or around that time... BM comes banging on DH's door around mid February he says NO she gets married in March.... We are still trying to figure that one out lol... DH and I get together in April knew right away we couldnt be apart and wanted each other.. We just got married October 19.... BM had to move to Kentucky cause she married someone in the Army... Which means WE have to drive 5 hours to meet her half way.... Our final court date is Friday and we are going to try to fight it and say she is the one that moved away... So since we gained jurisdication over the SS in Arkansas she has to come here for the court hearing and all.. Well she got here Saturday (whic she lied about and said she wasnt going to be here until Wednesday) but anyhow she texts us last night and asks if we want SS Wednesday thru Sunday since we didnt LET HER parents see him last month when we had him.... So we immediately sent the text to our lawyer asking what we should do... Lawyer said that we should NOT have to slpit our time with HER parents it is NOT our fault that SHE moved away and we shouldnt be "punished" from that act she made... So we sent BM the text that the lawyer sent us saying that isnt fair and we will get SS when we had planned Friday after court... BM then says well I talked to my attorney and if you dont agree than you will have to drive SS all the way to Kentucky and it will be court ordered.... So naturally we forward to our lawyer and she says that within the few text she has sent she has lied about 3 times... Apparently our lawyer called her lawyer and "checked up" on these text messages..... So yea I get to deal with a liar the rest of my life.... GO ME>>>


RedWingsFan's picture

That sucks. Sorry you're going through that, but it's just the beginning.

You're handling it the right way in my opinion, by allowing the attorney to advise you with regards to how to respond to her demands.

I wish you luck in court. Congratulations on the wedding Smile

Bayleigh_24's picture

Thanks a bunch, *RedWingsFan*
My sister is a stepmother and has been for 9 years and thats what she keeps telling me is that this is just the beginning and it only gets worse before it gets better... My SS is 2 so luckily I am coming in his life at a pretty young age.

RedWingsFan's picture

Be thankful for the fact that your SS is only 2. Sure, 2 can be a frustrating age, but 12 is wayyyyyyy worse!!! My SD is now 14 but was 12 when we met. She was (and continues to be) completely horrific.

At least at such a young age, your SS won't think you split his happy family apart and be hell bent on driving you away so his mommy and daddy can reconcile!

When is court?

Bayleigh_24's picture

Yea my sisters SS was 9 when they first met... LOL

It is Friday at 9 am... Unfortunately I just started a new job so I cant be there but I have a "list" of things that the DH is taking with him to ensure that everything is taken care of... So here is the "list":

Phone calls (she calls EVERYDAY on our week and we want it to be in stone that way if she gets mad or something we still get to talk to him they are Tuesday and Friday at 6 PM)

Holidays (Since we get him for a full week a month usually the first week of the month we want to know if the "holiday" week will count as our week)

She is pregnant- we want to make sure that is she goes into labor and its our week we will still get SS (so we have it where her DH will have to meet us halfway regardless)

Paying for gas- We think since SHE moved away that she should either pay for the gas or bring him all the way to us... Or lower child support so we wont be out of tons of money

1 Week stay a month- She seems to think we are NOT entitled a week.... Well it would be the every other weekend if she hadnt moved away... duh

If he gets deployed somewhere crazy and she goes- Will we get screwed even more... Can she take SS with her... We are confused about it if she goes to like Alaska or something we want to make sure SHE will be responible to pay for getting him here and back to her...

Is there anything I am missing??? Does this list seem reasonable???

12yrstepmonster's picture

I can tell you a grandparents time is during their child's parenting time.
Meaning BMs parents see her during her time.
I am not sure about transportation. I know my state transportation is now seem as a split cost unless a parent can prove financial hardship...I am not sure about flight and long distance. My ex and I worked that out early on.

Frustr8d1's picture

I'm with ya. I've been dealing with a lying BM of the WORST kind! This one is a pathological liar, similar to the Casey Anthony case. When she met DH, she managed to convince him she was a professional commercial artist. Wasn't true. She was unemployed.

When she got to the point of moving in with him, she had him help move her furniture. Later, he found out it was not hers. It was rental furniture from Rent-A-Center that she used a fake credit card to pay for.

To keep him convinced of her "professional" employment, she would get up every morning for work and ask him to drop her off at an office building and pick her up there at the end of the day. Later he found out she never worked there at all! She spent all day wandering around the city with 2 fraudulent credit cards she opened--one in DH's name and the other in DH's first wifes' name!

She "accidentally" gets pregnant. She keeps "going to fake work" then suddenly moves away. Comes back later to beg DH to take care of her and her baby to be.

Major crime spree story but bottom line is guess who is taking care of this child spawn of the Devil?? We have her full time. FML.

Oh, BM went on to comit 2 more felony frauds against an old widow and another military man she scammed. What a fucking loser. And I get to take care of her child while she lives and depends on her younger brother 2,000 miles away from us and never even tried to seek custody. You can't make this shit up!!

Bayleigh_24's picture

What!?!?! Ok you have me beat on the lying part!!! I just can't stand her.... Point blank end of story cant stand her..... She is a liar and she is bipolar....