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why is my sd such a liar and disrepectful to me when i am totally nice to her...

BLUEEYES's picture

uguhhh... my sd is constatly lyinh and doing things behind our back... also when ever i go out of my way for her and do nice thigns she never thanks me>>> what is this about?

Ommy's picture


If she is old enough to spout off lies about you/to you she is old enough to realize that you have the CHOICE to do things for her/with her. If it is dangerous lies i.e abuse, you being aggressive towards her, then do not allow her to be alone with you.

Sometime disengaging is the only way to save your mental health.

BLUEEYES's picture

yeah she is 13, i stopped taking her to her dance practice and told her mom is going to have to do all transportation for dance. Because in the court order it does state mom is responsible for transportation fr all dance events. i feel like she is a user i buy and do things all the time for the kid, do sleep overs and go out of my way for her... what should i do can i stop doing all the extra stuff besides school, feeding, and guiding in right direction and maybe she will realize and care.

asheeha's picture


do not allow her to disappoint you. she will never learn how to treat people if she is not taught.

LRP75's picture

"Actually, depending on how disrespectful/unappreciative she is, I may do NOTHING for her and put all the parenting on her Dad, where it rightfully belongs."


old-blue-eyes's picture

Life is too short to waste time and energy on sd idiocy. Who cares what sd thinks of you? Don't tolerate it anymore. Pamper yourself and not her. The more you do for skid or people in general the more they will shit on you. Unless they they are courteous to you.

sarahmay's picture

My SS(12) is the same... I do more than his won mother and I am still the shit.... I take him to sport 4 time a week, I bake his birthday cakes do the parties and , I organnise everything... so he can have a social life

He violates me continually..... I know he is a kid, but really I have done nothing wrong by him... His mother left him and his dad.... I have 2 children of my own and I have to treat them all the same .... and then he plays his little games, tells my mother in law "un truths". Cries on Q.

All I ever hear from Mother in Law and his Dad is that " he's very upset" .... and I am like "About what NOW" and "what about everyone else - don't we get upset too ...."

Then he always comes back from Mother in Law with something he has been angling for (ie: very expensive) which leaves everyone feeling left out. we can't afford to get him everything he wants, so he has found his own way, problem is that my man (not for much longer) says we cont tell his Mother in Law what she can spend her money on ... it is her business to do so .... All I see is that this boy and his Grandmonster are causing a massive divide and my (very weak man) can't see what is happening here.....

What do I do?