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Holy shitballs!!!

StickAFork's picture

I've entered an alternate dimension.
Of this, I'm sure.

I have SD19. She's a bitch, has been since...well, FOR SURE since I met her years ago, but I'm pretty sure it's been since birth.
She, of course, originally refused to invite DH to HS graduation, THEN invited him *only if* I did not attend, because, after all, it was HER day.
(No comparison to our wedding, and her behavior on "my day," of course.)
DH told her he wouldn't attend with me, I'm his wife, you-know-the-drill. He did, however, buy her a very nice graduation gift.
I told him that while I appreciated that, I knew that he would regret not being there for his daughter. I wouldn't forgive myself if he didn't attend on behalf of me.
Princess has taken a 7 month course to be a medical assistant.
She started it a year ago, and is graduating next month. (NO, I don't know WHY she is *finally* graduating 5 months late, except for this pesky little test she kept failing...)
Guess who invited Daddy and "anyone else" he wishes to bring?
Go f'n figure.
My head is still spinning.
It is terrible of me that my first thought in response, was, "She's only inviting him/us because she wants another fancy graduation gift?"
Yup, I'm gonna burn in hell...


Purplemom's picture

Nooooooo... she's only inviting you because she thinks that if she was such a bitch last time and got an awesome gift that if she is extra nice and invites you too she will get an even better gift!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Is there really a ceremony for finishing a 7 month training course? A ceremony with gifts?

StickAFork's picture

I chose not to walk for any of my graduations because it just seemed so... pompous. (Well, I did for HS.)

dontcallmestepmom's picture

How long do you think it will take her to find a job? Does she want a job?

My DH's daughter is working 25 hours a week, and refuses to work more than that. She says only "f****** losers work full time." She feels the same way about people who go to school. She is currently trying to get pregnant, so she "can collect the welfare owed to her."

I would go with the bedpan. Fill it with some chocolates. Wink

StickAFork's picture

You know what DH's response was?
He'd just tell her no, because he has an obligation to MY DD (his SD) first thing Saturday morning.
I gently suggested he NOT tell her that.
Told him to think about it a bit... and get back to her.
Truth be told, his whole famdamnily will be there, along with BM and possibly her family. (They don't come around her much.)
His family sucks. Treated me like crap until DH put his foot down. (Bless him.) Now, they *try* to be nice to me, but it's too little, too late. I just don't have the "oomph" to deal with this right now...