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Why do we have to lie and sneak around GRRR!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

So this weekend is my bday. We have a wedding to go to on Saturday night and SO's Mom is taking us out to eat for my Bday Friday night. BM texts SO and ask if we can watch the boys Friday night (we just had them last weekend) it is the only night she can get out with her married boyfriend. NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM. SO lies and says I can't I am doing a side job. I do not want her to know what are plans are, but he should have said no, I plan my weekends around the visitation rotation I have a life too. But NO he FUCKING LIES!! So now he has to tell his Mom incase BM calls and asks her to babysit. So's Mom said it was ok and agreed he deserves a life to, but still stuck up for her saying they live with her. Yes they do and all she does is come home from work feed them, bath them, do homework and a half ass job 6 assignments have been either missing or not completed and then puts them to bed. When I say puts them to bed I mean yells GO TO BED, not read them a story or watch a movie.

So moving on to Saturday I have reminded SO all week. DO NOT TELL BM about my bday or the wedding she will no doubt find some BS excuse to call and ruin our night or at the least just piss me off. Not that we would tell her our plans but why oh why do we have to lie and sneak around on the weekends that are not ours with the kids. Just pisses me off!


justanothergurlNJ's picture

If i had my way I would!! I am a grown ass woman and I have to sneak around or lie like a teenager. I can't talk openly in FB with friends about plans because she stalks me it is just really pissing me off

kathc's picture

Easy fix to that. Change your settings so that nobody who's not on your friends list can see anything.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

They are. My page is on lock down like FBI lock down yet she finds a way it is very annoying

Hanny's picture

I am in the same boat...I cannot post anything on FB that we are going, because SO doesn't want his girls to know what we are we might be spending some of OUR $ on ourselves. Wow...wouldn't want them know that. A couple of weeks ago, I posted we were at a concert. SD 23 was supposed to come over for dinner on Sunday, on Sunday morning she said she changed her mind. His response was...she probably saw your post and she's mad that I'm having fun without her. WTF!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

But I think SO lied so BM would drop it- if she knew you had plans other than work, most likely she would keep digging and try to change things.

Yes that is why he lied, that and he knows if she couldn't change our plans she would blow up his phone and ruin our weekend! It just sucks!