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How Dad can obtain school info

Anon2009's picture

Guys are going to have to get more proactive about staying on the school's case to get necessary info on the SKs.

What my dh had to do was wave the co in their faces when we had eow. He wasn't getting as nearly as much info as bm, although he had joint legal custody. Most school sites had the teachers' emails there somewhere. He emailed them a few times a week. Frequently reminding them of his rights helped them get the picture.

I know there are some who get ticked when bm doesn't give them school info. To be blunt, I don't understand that. I'd much rather deal with the school, however unpleasant they may be, than an ex. I know the schools can be frustrating too. But in order for schools and bms to see that dads are serious about being involved, they're going to have to constantly come on like gangbusters.


Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Yes. BOTH PARENTS are perfectly able to keep up with all info pertaining to the child that THEY have brought into the world.

I'm not saying that they don't try to put it off on each other, or their spouses. They will try. Shit, if they can get online and do BS for hours, wth can't they get online THEMSELVES and get this stuff done?

They are DIVORCED now?!

herewegoagain's picture

I agree...unfortunately, it is a pain that the schools mostly listen to BMs. My DH was kicked out of the system so many times it wasn't even funny. She even SOMEHOW put someone else's address as DH's, so that someone else was getting the things the school sent home instead of DH. Although one lady from the school flagged the records and stated that NOBODY could change DH's information without the court order, blah, blah, blah...BM constantly did. The schools NEVER reprimanded whoever kept changing the information without DH's authorization...and of course, the BM did this for over 8 years!!!

StepX2's picture

As long as dad has the CO to show his rights, it is necessary to take it to the school and have them make a copy for their records.
I've mentioned before that I worked a lot of years at the schools. We never were allowed to take one parent's word over another's on anything that had to do with parental rights...we always insisted on the parent providing the court papers. We went by what ever we had on file, so if there ever were any changes, it is the parents responsibility to provide the updated CO. I mention that because there were some who would bring an older CO in that was more advantages to them, only to have the other parent come in later (usually after something happened) with a current one that shows everything changed from the last CO.

Anon2009's picture

I feel for the positions schools are in and apologize if my post was offensive. I agree that each parent should have current copies of the court order, and give copies of them to their kids' schools every time they get updated. Then the school can make sure that both parents get the appropriate amounts of information according to the court order. It is just so sad to see how ugly these situations can get.