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So, we get the two SD's that live out of state. The 8 yo comes with a pre-paid cell that she is insisting on calling her mom because "we never let her call her" well, she has never asked before and we get them very little - when she wants to call she does and when the bitch calls she talks to her. Everytime this happens she gets off the phone upset.

I told her in no uncertain terms she will not be calling her mom everytime I feel the need to fart. The last time we had the girls, BB didn't pick up the phone to call for three weeks - but hey we keep them from her. Oh - that go phone was more important than fixing the air in her van for which the kids road 4 hours - the 7 year old in pants that she couldn't even button - not the clothes I sent her home in.

I will be cutting the waist of those when we taken them back in six weeks and changing her right before drop off. I will not send clothes home to her filthy house and van that we never see again and have to purchase brand new every single time they come.

Then - my husband decides since they have it so bad these two wont have chores this summer and when she trashed the room and I told her to clean it up and quit taking and eating two WHOLE bags of chips when I told her no because she refused to touch her dinner (ribs, BBQ, burgers, etc)
She didn't get in trouble and he cleaned the mess.

Sorry DH but dont you think these kids need to learn responsability if all they can get out of mom is lets go find some dude to F*** to pay our bills. How this cow gets a man I don't know.

Of course her man that she just moved in with - I tracked him to a relationship with a 16 yo girl - they are also both still married to other people and the 3 yo who we have suspected sexual abuse of in the past and even took her to a doc for this ...well now, I had to keep telling her to take her hands out of her pants - even in the bathtub.

Is this normal???? I have had daughters and sons and none ever did this. It would be one thing if it was a itch...I am sure it is itchy - she came back with the blisters again. A 3 yo that is potty trained having this nasty rash - right after we took her for vaginal folliculitis to the ER.

BB wont give us the medical records and we can't take them to a doctor while they are here since they are out of state, they have to go to the ER every time.

Of course she is a dumb ass - she programmed her number, her mom's number and her boyfriend's cell and work number in the phone (I guess trying to make my husband jealous that his number wasn't important enough to go in there) but thats all I needed to get my investigator in Arkansas to dig up everything I need on the BF...

Sorry I know this vent doesn't make sense I am just pissed at husband and this fat whore!