SD20's plans changing possibly
SD20 and her bf were supposed to get a place together when school started back up. His parents are now expressing they really don't want him living with his gf, they want him to focus on school and not be distracted "playing house". SD and her bf had previously decided to have SD live with him but not tell his parents, but SD has since realized how bad it would be to start her relationship off with her possible in-laws on a lie, so she told bf she wasn't going to move in with him if he couldn't convince his parents to give their blessing.
Just my luck! So she's not sure what she's going to do. She's been trying to find another friend to room with, or she says she may room with SS18 until she can find another option. I was so looking forward to both of them moving she may be staying?
Also SD's bf is in the university band, and is a section leader this year so is coming back before school starts for Leadership camp and SD isn't sure if the university is going to let them stay in the dorms before school starts. Ever so thoughtful DH, without talking to me about it, told SD that her bf could stay here for the 2 weeks, and possibly longer since as of right now, he doesn't have an apartment lined up just yet, for the school year.
I read this on someone else's blog and thought it sounded just like my situation "DH doesn't give me the respect of telling me plans changed. He didn't need my permission per say. Just communicate with me". Seriously! I told DH that today. Since he isn't here during the week and it will be me, with DD and the skids, I would have loved to know this was going to happen, not be told about it after the fact. We live in a 1-level, 3 bedroom house with 3 dogs and 3 cats, me, DD, SD20, SS18 and DH when he's home on the weekend. Adding another adult is A LOT of added work for ME, not him.
Thankfully I can work from virtually anywhere with my job, so I'm "running away" this week. Driving the 4 hours to my mom's house, staying at her house with DD and 2 of the dogs, Monday night through Thursday afternoon. I'll work from my mom's house Tuesday-Thursday, then come home Thursday after work. Almost 3 whole days without skids, so looking forward to it! Super tempting to leave today after DH leaves for work, hmmm...
- amackeral's blog
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