Help please
I am new to this site but after reading some of the other posts I figured that users of this site would understand better than others I've talk to (family and friends). First let me start off by telling a little about my situation.
I met my wonderful Husband about 5 1/2 years ago (and we have been married just over a year), we do have a daughter together (who is 5). When I first met my husband he was the primary caregiver of his son (at the time was 2). His son was a wonderful sweet little boy. My daughter was born when he was 3. At the age of 5 my ss bio mother pretty much kidnapped him and moved to another state, withholding visitations and such for almost 3 years. After getting in trouble for not sending him to school she was forced to return my ss to our household (April 2012). I was so elated and happy. We only had week's notice of his arrival but I worked day and night to prepare a room for him in our household. Unfortunately when he returned I was very disappoited. What happened to that sweet little boy I remembered? What returned was an unruly, unparented 8 year old boy.
He was so unparented in fact that no one had taught him how to wipe his butt! Him mother would simply throw the dirty underwear away and ignore the problem. Her idea of parenting was being a best friend (with no rules) and using video games as babysitters. Now, let me say that I understand these issues are not his fault-the problems come from his mother. My husband works all day 5 days a week. I work from home. This means I was responsible for straightening him out and teaching him the proper ways to behave. Everything was going great (of course there were struggles, but he was trying as hard as I was to adjust to our new situation). Until...two months after his arrival (June 2012), his mother returns back to our state. Even worse she is now living in the same town as us. She has been getting visitations (despite my better judgement). My husband (who previously hated her for stealing his son and destroying his pyschi) is so nice to her and bends over backwards to accomodate her wishes.
I don't mind my ss going over there for vistations, it is him mom afterall. However, when he returns it seems that all the hard work I have been doing to get him on track is completly undone. Back to the bathroom problem I mentioned earlier, (we make him wash them out and not just throw them away) He can go all week long at our house without creating poop filled underwear (I check while doing laundry) return from her house and be messing in his pants again. Even worse, she returns him to our house wearing nothing but basketball shorts-no shirt, no underwear, etc. Also she buys him everything his little heart desires so whenever we take him to the grocery store with us he is constantly asking us to buy him things, like everything that tickles his fancy...can you buy me this, can you buy me this, etc through the whole store. I am getting so fed up with re-training this child over and over again.
Most of my frustration comes in the fact that the daughter my husband and I share is suffering from his ill behavior. She loves him so much and thinks the world of him, but he is so rotten to her. She also suffers becuase I can't really reward her for being good with a treat and let her eat it in front of him? When the carnival is in town we don't go at all because of his behavior so she has to miss out on things like that too.
Ok, on to the worse of husband. I understand that it must look like I am terrible to my ss, but he needs soooo much redirection-almost constantly. At first my husband would say to me that because I married him it is my responsibility to straighten this boy out. When he sees me re-directing my ss he steps in and says that I am being too mean or directly undermines me.
I am currently 3 months pregnant with our 2nd child together and don't know what to do. This child and our situation is putting me under so much stress. I wish I didn't love my husband so much or I would just remove my daughter from this situation and move on with our lives. I don't know what to do, any advice would be helpful. Oh, yea here is the kicker---last time he returned from him moms she said that she was going to buy him pepperspray. Yes, an 8 year (who by the way acts like a 2 yr old) is being offered a dangerous weapon. I mean this boy can't even play with a bat unsupervised (he hit my 5 yr daughter in the head with it "on accident"). What can I do????? ...sorry it was so long just had to vent.
Everything dtzy said and your
Everything dtzy said and your DH has to stop bending over for a shitty (pun intended) BM if shes not sending him home on what he was dropped off in start sending him to her in what she dropped him off to you giys in yes this has helped us with the clothes issue with our BM
I do the same thing. We have
I do the same thing. We have had my sd now 8 living with us full time for the past 6 years.And every time she goes to her bm for a weekend she goes in clothes that she came home in from her bm. Or I'll just get some clothes from a yard sell for a dollar, even shoes. It's so bad I don't even send hairbows in her hair anymore , they never come back , same with socks, shoes ect.
Only a few months ago I told my DH that he needed to talk to bm and tell her that she needs to help with school clothes this year! (in six years she has only got her 1 pair of shoes !!wtf) So he told her that she was going to have to help with school clothes and fees. Or he was taking her to court for CS!! (wow didn't see that one coming :jawdrop: ) She said ok , But 2 weeks before school started she sent him a text saying that she had gotten sd so many shorts , tops, bra , shoes, ect. and 75 dollars for school fees. Then 2 days before school starts back she brings sd home from a weekend stay. SD walks in with 1 wal-mart bag . says her my school clothes that bm got me . So yeah I a look in it to see what she got. They were ALL hand me downs from her older sister ( i'm guessing) and not no where as much as she had said there would be!!! And only gave 25 dollars for school fees.This doesn't even cover her lunch money for a week! So I have to take sd shopping for new clothes that FIT.And have to pay all school fees. When I said something about it to dh he had nothing to say. NOTHING!!! I know how you ALL feel. USED !!!!!!
I never want to take their mothers place! But I F***ing hate filling her space.
I just feel so bad becuase
I just feel so bad becuase this child's behavior is not the fault of DH. When my ss was first born his BM pretty much said "here ya go". She did not do the feedings, diaper changes, anything for that matter. All my DH's family (I love my inlaws) tell me that all she does is lie in bed all day and do nothing- even when they came over to visit.
I feel bad for my DH becuase he pretty much single-handedly raised my ss until he was 5. At which time the BM took him (they had 50/50 verbal custody no legal agreement) and moved out of state. Me and DH did everything we possibly could to try and get ss bad, but the cops and everything said that there was nothing they could do. In the 3 years she had him out of state she completely ruined this child. I knew him for 3 years before she took him and loved that boy, he was so sweet and nice.
Now that he back in state and living with us my DH has noticed the major difference in behavior and overall personality. He admits that he is "ruined". His guilty parenting comes from the fact that he knows when ss8 is at BM he is completely ignored the whole time. Yes, she buys him everything he wants, but shows him no affection. To the point where he won't even hug his dad becuase he himself has not been hugged. He feels the child is being abused becuase is seems he is always on punishment here and then simply ignored at his BM. His BM btw has 2 other children, a girl 15 (having sex, smoking weed, and just got her lip peirced) and a 2 year old boy. EACH WITH DIFFERENT FATHERS.
We have also fighted becuase he tells me that when I agreed to marry him I knew he had a son and by Marrying him I was agreeing to take on that responsibility. I have told him several times that my ss8 is nothing like the child I once knew. My DH is the love of my life and I have been short of depressed becuase our relationship is suffering. Everytime I feel I was underminded I get very upset at DH and have threathened to leave several times. I just want the happy family I had earlier this year. I am pregnant and scared that this stress will drive me into a deep depression leading to a horrible pp depression.
I've gotten so frustrated that I have went as far as to do the unthinkable: I told ss8 that I did not like him
I have never laid a finger on the boy, I discipline by yelling and taking things away. IF need be I ask DH to spank when he gets home. I just want this situation to get better. I am in fear for the safety of my daughter and my unborn. SS8 is always hurting my BD5 and claiming it was an accident. DH always believes him and feels sorry for him, but he lies so much that I just can't.
I feel so bad becuase my DH finally got his first born son back, and its not his fault that hes all messed up in the head; but I feel like it should be us (me and our children together) or him. I really don't want to him an alter matem but I see no solution at hand. BM is constantly making things worse. For heavens sake she moved a couple blocks away from us when she came back to state...... Leave us alone!@
I know that not everyone may
I know that not everyone may agree with this, but is there a way you can stop visitation to BM? It's clear that she's doing nothing but harm and even though she' his mother, she's just a negative influence on him. Or is there a way you can have supervised visits? It sucks that this woman is ruining everything.