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What age gap between skids and a new baby is best?

sunny_skies's picture

My SS has literally JUST turned 2.. I have always thought that a 2year gap between siblings is best. Seeing my friends little ones (they are 4 and 2) together has confirmed that for me..

The activities for them are kind of the same (example, taking them to the playpark and playing on age appropriate things, in my opinion only 2years difference is good)

Obviously this isnt possible for BF and I, as SS is now 2!! But..

What is your opinion on age gaps? What has been good/bad? Please share your experiences!


PeanutandSons's picture

I have three years between my two biosons. Like you, I had wanted a two year difference, but it took me an extra year to get Dh on board. I think anywhere from 2-4 is good.... For all the reasons you mentioned. My skids are 6 and 7 years older than my older son and that is too much. There is almost nothing that the skids and my BIOS can all enjoy... Just as bs3 is old enough to enjoy/participate in something, ss10 and Sd9 are getting too big/old for it.

The baby is only 3 month old now but just from experiance I know that they will be able to enjoy things together once the baby gets a bit older. My brother was 3 yrs younger than me (4yrs younger than my sister) and we all played fine together. A few things would pop up now and then, where he was too little for something or we were too old, but for the most part it worked well.

sunny_skies's picture

really wow! just out of interest, are they both boys? or a boy and a girl?