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Monster in law

Stepmomintexas's picture

So...first 3 weeks of visit with ss was a disaster when my husband's mom came for the final week. She's the total manipulative and boundary crossing mom. She insisted that the final week she was here of our ss's visit, we didn't send him to daycare so she could spend time with him. husband agreed. On the last day of his swim lessons she paid for, my ss was so sick with congestion and ear problems so my husband told his mom his son could not attend swim lessons that day. She pitched a royal hissy fit and before you knew it, she threw me in the mix by stating that why didn't he ask me to stay home and take care of his sick son cause she knew i wouldn't. Instead of him coming to my defense, he folded and came to discuss what transpired. I was so hurt and livid. When we talked, his excuse for not speaking up was that I had been complaining about doing too much to help him out and how I didn't want to help so much with ss and that he didn't feel he could say much in my defense.

My thoughts were...1. your mother flat refused to come down for a visit unless we kept the child from daycare so she could spend the most amount of time with him. 2. his son only got sick cause of daily exposure to swim lessons and ear infection. 3. if she had not come, he wouldn't have gotten sick and no one would have missed work and the child would have been in his daycare--which he was only attending 3 days per week due to our work schedule conflict.

After all this transpired, it created a huge rift in our visit and i just told my husband she wasn't coming again to stay with us and if she did, i had no intent on seeing her cause all she does is cause problems with us. i have to accept my stepson in my life cause he is part of my husband, but it is so hard to accept both he and my monster in law. i feel she will push the envelope until we eventually break up. who knows...just need to vent today.