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Stepmomintexas's Blog

Monster in law

Stepmomintexas's picture

So...first 3 weeks of visit with ss was a disaster when my husband's mom came for the final week. She's the total manipulative and boundary crossing mom. She insisted that the final week she was here of our ss's visit, we didn't send him to daycare so she could spend time with him. husband agreed. On the last day of his swim lessons she paid for, my ss was so sick with congestion and ear problems so my husband told his mom his son could not attend swim lessons that day.

Am I a B----tch?

Stepmomintexas's picture break it down in simple terms. I met my hubby just as his divorce was almost final...literally like two weeks before it went to court. He was awarded joint custody of an 18 month old. Like a dumb foolish woman, I quit my job and moved into his place several hours away and jumped head first into being the problem solver and peacemaker and live in wife/mommy. After a few months, I realized I made a huge mistake! I told him I was leaving and was unhappy and too educated to be stuck in this situation. I could clearly see, he had no one to help except for me.

Father's Day Drama

Stepmomintexas's picture

Well, my day got started off with a bang literally. We have my 4 year old stepson for 6 weeks in the summer time. We have gone out of our way to find a really expensive NAEYC certified preschool to give him the best opportunities and education we can while he is with us. Also, we are only sending him 3 days per week and my husband and I watch him the other four days we are off--alternating days off of course.