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BM does not get it

smurfy1smile's picture

BF and his family (parents, brothers and their wives, and me) got together last night to celebrate his fathers birthday. BF asked BM if he could take BS to this dinner and she agreed. BF would pick up BS 6between 6:30pm and 6:45pm at home and BM would pick up BS at the restaurant at 9pm. BF forgot to call BM from about 15 minutes away and when we arrived she informed us we were early and we did not call. We were not early, we arrived at 6:32pm. WTF!! BF apologized for not calling, I forgot that in the email comfirming everything that BF was to call her when we were close.

Anyway, we had a lovely time with everyone and the family was thrilled that BS was able to attend. BF called BM at 8:30 pm and told her to call him when she got to the restaurant and he would meet her in the lobby. BM informed BF that she was all ready on her way. Its a fifteen minute or less drive from her home to the restaurant. BM was upset and told BF "whatever". We met her in the lobby and while BF was in the middle of putting BS in his car seat, BM demanded, "where is his pacifier?. BF said its in my hand. BM did not have a coat or hat for BS, she never does. It was about 40 degrees outside and very windy. BM was very annoyed and acting very rude to both of us. She handed BF a framed photo of baby for grandpa for his birthday. I suggested BF and I go back inside because I dinner would be arriving anytime. I told BM to drive carefully and she stated I always do. This is the same woman who has totally 2 or 3 cars. The last one being shortly before the married disolved - she was having phone sex on her cell phone and missed a stop sign and hit another car.

IMO, and the rest of the family's too, BM was hoping to hang out with the family for a while and that is why she arrived early. This woman cheated, repeatedly, in their home and abroad on BF and bad mouthed him to his family and anyone else who would listen. I do not think she gets it that the family really wants nothing to do with her. They care nice and cordial to her when they have to see her but otherwise they stay away from her. No one wants to upset BM because they are afraid BM will stop parening time.


ultrak's picture

I'm guessing she just loves drama. She probably hates the fact that he has moved on witout her but still wants a relationship with his son. When they feel that way they will do everything possible to get a rise out the both of you. Just continue to be the biggest person.